Weird bug setting variant in proposal

I’ve been trying to manually create a proposal for submitting fixture data but I’m not sure how I set the data type for the eventType property:

record {
            fixtureId = 1:nat32;
            playerId = 376:nat16;
            eventType = variant { Appearance = null };
            eventStartMinute = 0:nat8;
            eventEndMinute = 90:nat8;
            clubId = 14:nat16;

I’ve also tried this for the variant:

        record {
            fixtureId = 1:nat32;
            playerId = 399:nat16;
            eventType = variant { GoalAssisted };
            eventStartMinute = 87:nat8;
            eventEndMinute = 87:nat8;
            clubId = 14:nat16;

But whenever I submit the proposal this way the eventType is always #Appearance, the first option in the variant.

I did ask the AI:

Which is why i tried variant { KeeperSave = null }; but that still sent all the events that were keeper saves to the backend as #Appearance types.

If someone can let me know the correct way to mark this property correctly for submission without defaulting that would be great.

I know this syntax is right because I use it in other proposals:

 record {
            fixtureId = 1:nat32;
            playerId = 376:nat16;
            eventType = variant { Appearance };
            eventStartMinute = 0:nat8;
            eventEndMinute = 90:nat8;
            clubId = 14:nat16;

        record {
            fixtureId = 1:nat32;
            playerId = 376:nat16;
            eventType = variant { KeeperSave };
            eventStartMinute = 0:nat8;
            eventEndMinute = 0:nat8;
            clubId = 14:nat16;

        record {
            fixtureId = 1:nat32;
            playerId = 376:nat16;
            eventType = variant { KeeperSave };
            eventStartMinute = 0:nat8;
            eventEndMinute = 0:nat8;
            clubId = 14:nat16;

So my problem is actually that when this payload is submitted, all the KeeperSave variants change to Appearance:


So an update on the weird behaviour, nearly figured it out…

It takes the top records eventType, because if I switch it that is the event type added to all the records.

I think my question is how do i define a vec of records correctly:

 playerEventData = vec {

        record {
            fixtureId = 1:nat32;
            playerId = 376:nat16;
            eventType = variant { KeeperSave };
            eventStartMinute = 0:nat8;
            eventEndMinute = 90:nat8;
            clubId = 14:nat16;

        record {
            fixtureId = 1:nat32;
            playerId = 376:nat16;
            eventType = variant { Appearance };
            eventStartMinute = 0:nat8;
            eventEndMinute = 0:nat8;
            clubId = 14:nat16;


Can you post your candid or did file?

Looks like it may be a code issue. If the code is open, paste a link.

There is a very very small chance of a collision, but it is very small.

This is my backend did:

type WeeklyLeaderboardDTO = 
 record {
   entries: vec LeaderboardEntry;
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
   totalEntries: nat;
type ValueHistory = 
 record {
   gameweek: nat8;
   newValue: nat16;
   oldValue: nat16;
   seasonId: nat16;
type UsernameFilterDTO = record {username: text;};
type UpdateUsernameDTO = record {username: text;};
type UpdateTeamSelectionDTO = 
 record {
   braceBonusGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   captainFantasticGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   captainFantasticPlayerId: PlayerId;
   captainId: PlayerId;
   countrymenCountryId: CountryId;
   countrymenGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   goalGetterGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   goalGetterPlayerId: PlayerId;
   hatTrickHeroGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   noEntryGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   noEntryPlayerId: PlayerId;
   passMasterGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   passMasterPlayerId: PlayerId;
   playerIds: vec PlayerId;
   prospectsGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   safeHandsGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   safeHandsPlayerId: PlayerId;
   teamBoostClubId: ClubId;
   teamBoostGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   transferWindowGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   username: text;
type UpdateProfilePictureDTO = 
 record {
   extension: text;
   profilePicture: blob;
type UpdatePlayerDTO = 
 record {
   dateOfBirth: int;
   firstName: text;
   lastName: text;
   nationality: CountryId;
   playerId: PlayerId;
   position: PlayerPosition;
   shirtNumber: nat8;
type UpdateLeaguePictureDTO = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   picture: opt blob;
type UpdateLeagueNameDTO = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   name: text;
type UpdateLeagueBannerDTO = 
 record {
   banner: opt blob;
   canisterId: CanisterId;
type UpdateFavouriteClubDTO = record {favouriteClubId: ClubId;};
type UpdateClubDTO = 
 record {
   abbreviatedName: text;
   clubId: ClubId;
   friendlyName: text;
   name: text;
   primaryColourHex: text;
   secondaryColourHex: text;
   shirtType: ShirtType;
   thirdColourHex: text;
type UnretirePlayerDTO = record {playerId: PlayerId;};
type TransferPlayerDTO = 
 record {
   newClubId: ClubId;
   playerId: PlayerId;
type TopupDTO = 
 record {
   canisterId: text;
   toppedUpOn: int;
   topupAmount: nat;
type TokenInfo = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   fee: nat;
   id: TokenId;
   ticker: text;
   tokenImageURL: text;
type TokenId = nat16;
type TimerType = 
 variant {
type TimerDTO = 
 record {
   callbackName: text;
   id: int;
   triggerTime: int;
type SystemStateDTO = 
 record {
   calculationGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   calculationMonth: CalendarMonth;
   calculationSeasonId: SeasonId;
   calculationSeasonName: text;
   onHold: bool;
   pickTeamGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   pickTeamSeasonId: SeasonId;
   pickTeamSeasonName: text;
   seasonActive: bool;
   transferWindowActive: bool;
type SubmitFixtureDataDTO = 
 record {
   fixtureId: FixtureId;
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   playerEventData: vec PlayerEventData;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type StakeMaturityResponse = 
 record {
   maturity_e8s: nat64;
   stake_maturity_e8s: nat64;
type Spawn = 
 record {
   new_controller: opt principal;
   nonce: opt nat64;
   percentage_to_spawn: opt nat32;
type ShirtType = 
 variant {
type SetPlayerInjuryDTO = 
 record {
   description: text;
   expectedEndDate: int;
   playerId: PlayerId;
type SetDissolveTimestamp = record {dissolve_timestamp_seconds: nat64;};
type SeasonLeaderboardDTO = 
 record {
   entries: vec LeaderboardEntry;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
   totalEntries: nat;
type SeasonId = nat16;
type SeasonDTO = 
 record {
   id: SeasonId;
   name: text;
   year: nat16;
type RustResult = 
 variant {
   Err: text;
   Ok: text;
type RewardPool = 
 record {
   allTimeMonthlyHighScorePool: nat64;
   allTimeSeasonHighScorePool: nat64;
   allTimeWeeklyHighScorePool: nat64;
   highestScoringMatchPlayerPool: nat64;
   monthlyLeaderboardPool: nat64;
   mostValuableTeamPool: nat64;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
   seasonLeaderboardPool: nat64;
   weeklyLeaderboardPool: nat64;
type RevaluePlayerUpDTO = record {playerId: PlayerId;};
type RevaluePlayerDownDTO = record {playerId: PlayerId;};
type RetirePlayerDTO = 
 record {
   playerId: PlayerId;
   retirementDate: int;
type Result_9 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec SeasonDTO;
type Result_8 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: GetSystemLogDTO;
type Result_7 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: SystemStateDTO;
type Result_6 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: GetTimersDTO;
type Result_5 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec TokenInfo;
type Result_4 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: GetTopupsDTO;
type Result_3 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: nat;
type Result_27 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: GetCanistersDTO;
type Result_26 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec CountryDTO;
type Result_25 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: PickTeamDTO;
type Result_24 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec DataCacheDTO;
type Result_23 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec ClubDTO;
type Result_22 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: ManagerPrivateLeaguesDTO;
type Result_21 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec ClubLeaderboardDTO;
type Result_20 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: PlayerDetailDTO;
type Result_2 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: WeeklyLeaderboardDTO;
type Result_19 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec PlayerPointsDTO;
type Result_18 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec record {
type Result_17 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec FixtureDTO;
type Result_16 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: ManagerPrivateLeagueDTO;
type Result_15 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec LeagueMemberDTO;
type Result_14 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: MonthlyLeaderboardDTO;
type Result_13 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: ProfileDTO;
type Result_12 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: vec PlayerDTO;
type Result_11 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: GetRewardPoolDTO;
type Result_10 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: SeasonLeaderboardDTO;
type Result_1 = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
   ok: ManagerDTO;
type Result = 
 variant {
   err: Error;
type RescheduleFixtureDTO = 
 record {
   postponedFixtureId: FixtureId;
   updatedFixtureDate: int;
   updatedFixtureGameweek: GameweekNumber;
type RecallPlayerDTO = record {playerId: PlayerId;};
type PromoteNewClubDTO = 
 record {
   abbreviatedName: text;
   friendlyName: text;
   name: text;
   primaryColourHex: text;
   secondaryColourHex: text;
   shirtType: ShirtType;
   thirdColourHex: text;
type PromoteFormerClubDTO = record {clubId: ClubId;};
type ProfileDTO = 
 record {
   createDate: int;
   favouriteClubId: ClubId;
   principalId: text;
   profilePicture: opt blob;
   profilePictureType: text;
   termsAccepted: bool;
   username: text;
type PrivateLeagueRewardDTO = 
 record {
   amount: nat64;
   managerId: PrincipalId;
type PrincipalId = text;
type PostponeFixtureDTO = record {fixtureId: FixtureId;};
type PlayerStatus = 
 variant {
type PlayerScoreDTO = 
 record {
   assists: int16;
   clubId: ClubId;
   dateOfBirth: int;
   events: vec PlayerEventData;
   goalsConceded: int16;
   goalsScored: int16;
   id: nat16;
   nationality: CountryId;
   points: int16;
   position: PlayerPosition;
   saves: int16;
type PlayerPosition = 
 variant {
type PlayerPointsDTO = 
 record {
   clubId: ClubId;
   events: vec PlayerEventData;
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   id: nat16;
   points: int16;
   position: PlayerPosition;
type PlayerId = nat16;
type PlayerGameweekDTO = 
 record {
   events: vec PlayerEventData;
   fixtureId: FixtureId;
   number: nat8;
   points: int16;
type PlayerEventType = 
 variant {
type PlayerEventData = 
 record {
   clubId: ClubId;
   eventEndMinute: nat8;
   eventStartMinute: nat8;
   eventType: PlayerEventType;
   fixtureId: FixtureId;
   playerId: nat16;
type PlayerDetailDTO = 
 record {
   clubId: ClubId;
   dateOfBirth: int;
   firstName: text;
   gameweeks: vec PlayerGameweekDTO;
   id: PlayerId;
   injuryHistory: vec InjuryHistory;
   lastName: text;
   latestInjuryEndDate: int;
   nationality: CountryId;
   parentClubId: ClubId;
   position: PlayerPosition;
   retirementDate: int;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
   shirtNumber: nat8;
   status: PlayerStatus;
   valueHistory: vec ValueHistory;
   valueQuarterMillions: nat16;
type PlayerDTO = 
 record {
   clubId: ClubId;
   dateOfBirth: int;
   firstName: text;
   id: nat16;
   lastName: text;
   nationality: CountryId;
   position: PlayerPosition;
   shirtNumber: nat8;
   status: PlayerStatus;
   totalPoints: int16;
   valueQuarterMillions: nat16;
type PickTeamDTO = 
 record {
   bankQuarterMillions: nat16;
   braceBonusGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   captainFantasticGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   captainFantasticPlayerId: PlayerId;
   captainId: PlayerId;
   countrymenCountryId: CountryId;
   countrymenGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   goalGetterGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   goalGetterPlayerId: PlayerId;
   hatTrickHeroGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   monthlyBonusesAvailable: nat8;
   noEntryGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   noEntryPlayerId: PlayerId;
   passMasterGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   passMasterPlayerId: PlayerId;
   playerIds: vec PlayerId;
   principalId: text;
   prospectsGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   safeHandsGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   safeHandsPlayerId: PlayerId;
   teamBoostClubId: ClubId;
   teamBoostGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   transferWindowGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   transfersAvailable: nat8;
   username: text;
type PaymentChoice = 
 variant {
type Operation = 
 variant {
   ChangeAutoStakeMaturity: ChangeAutoStakeMaturity;
   IncreaseDissolveDelay: IncreaseDissolveDelay;
   SetDissolveTimestamp: SetDissolveTimestamp;
type NewTokenDTO = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   fee: nat;
   ticker: text;
   tokenImageURL: text;
type NeuronId = record {id: nat64;};
type MoveFixtureDTO = 
 record {
   fixtureId: FixtureId;
   updatedFixtureDate: int;
   updatedFixtureGameweek: GameweekNumber;
type MonthlyLeaderboardDTO = 
 record {
   entries: vec LeaderboardEntry;
   month: nat8;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
   totalEntries: nat;
type ManagerPrivateLeaguesDTO = 
 record {
   entries: vec ManagerPrivateLeagueDTO;
   totalEntries: nat;
type ManagerPrivateLeagueDTO = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   created: int;
   memberCount: int;
   name: text;
   seasonPosition: nat;
   seasonPositionText: text;
type ManagerDTO = 
 record {
   createDate: int;
   favouriteClubId: ClubId;
   gameweeks: vec FantasyTeamSnapshot;
   monthlyPoints: int16;
   monthlyPosition: int;
   monthlyPositionText: text;
   principalId: text;
   privateLeagueMemberships: vec CanisterId;
   profilePicture: opt blob;
   seasonPoints: int16;
   seasonPosition: int;
   seasonPositionText: text;
   username: text;
   weeklyPoints: int16;
   weeklyPosition: int;
   weeklyPositionText: text;
type LogStatusDTO = record {message: text;};
type LoanPlayerDTO = 
 record {
   loanClubId: ClubId;
   loanEndDate: int;
   playerId: PlayerId;
type LeagueMemberDTO = 
 record {
   added: int;
   principalId: PrincipalId;
   username: text;
type LeagueInviteDTO = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   managerId: PrincipalId;
type LeaderboardEntry = 
 record {
   points: int16;
   position: nat;
   positionText: text;
   principalId: text;
   username: text;
type InjuryHistory = 
 record {
   description: text;
   expectedEndDate: int;
   injuryStartDate: int;
type IncreaseDissolveDelay = record {
                               additional_dissolve_delay_seconds: nat32;};
type GetWeeklyLeaderboardDTO = 
 record {
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
   searchTerm: text;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetTopupsDTO = 
 record {
   entries: vec TopupDTO;
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
   totalEntries: nat;
type GetTimersDTO = 
 record {
   entries: vec TimerDTO;
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
   timerTypeFilter: TimerType;
   totalEntries: nat;
type GetSystemLogDTO = 
 record {
   dateEnd: int;
   dateStart: int;
   entries: vec EventLogEntry;
   eventType: EventLogEntryType;
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
   totalEntries: nat;
type GetSeasonLeaderboardDTO = 
 record {
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
   searchTerm: text;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetRewardPoolDTO = 
 record {
   rewardPool: RewardPool;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetPrivateLeagueWeeklyLeaderboard = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetPrivateLeagueSeasonLeaderboard = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetPrivateLeagueMonthlyLeaderboard = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   limit: nat;
   month: CalendarMonth;
   offset: nat;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetPlayerDetailsDTO = 
 record {
   playerId: PlayerId;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetMonthlyLeaderboardsDTO = 
 record {
   month: CalendarMonth;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetMonthlyLeaderboardDTO = 
 record {
   clubId: ClubId;
   limit: nat;
   month: CalendarMonth;
   offset: nat;
   searchTerm: text;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type GetManagerDTO = record {managerId: text;};
type GetLeagueMembersDTO = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
type GetFixturesDTO = record {seasonId: SeasonId;};
type GetCanistersDTO = 
 record {
   canisterTypeFilter: CanisterType;
   entries: vec CanisterDTO;
   limit: nat;
   offset: nat;
   totalEntries: nat;
type GameweekNumber = nat8;
type GameweekFiltersDTO = 
 record {
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type Follow = 
 record {
   followees: vec NeuronId;
   topic: int32;
type FixtureStatusType = 
 variant {
type FixtureId = nat32;
type FixtureDTO = 
 record {
   awayClubId: ClubId;
   awayGoals: nat8;
   events: vec PlayerEventData;
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   highestScoringPlayerId: nat16;
   homeClubId: ClubId;
   homeGoals: nat8;
   id: nat32;
   kickOff: int;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
   status: FixtureStatusType;
type FantasyTeamSnapshot = 
 record {
   bankQuarterMillions: nat16;
   braceBonusGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   captainFantasticGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   captainFantasticPlayerId: PlayerId;
   captainId: PlayerId;
   countrymenCountryId: CountryId;
   countrymenGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   favouriteClubId: ClubId;
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   goalGetterGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   goalGetterPlayerId: PlayerId;
   hatTrickHeroGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   month: CalendarMonth;
   monthlyBonusesAvailable: nat8;
   monthlyPoints: int16;
   noEntryGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   noEntryPlayerId: PlayerId;
   passMasterGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   passMasterPlayerId: PlayerId;
   playerIds: vec PlayerId;
   points: int16;
   principalId: text;
   prospectsGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   safeHandsGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   safeHandsPlayerId: PlayerId;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
   seasonPoints: int16;
   teamBoostClubId: ClubId;
   teamBoostGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   teamValueQuarterMillions: nat16;
   transferWindowGameweek: GameweekNumber;
   transfersAvailable: nat8;
   username: text;
type EventLogEntryType = 
 variant {
type EventLogEntry = 
 record {
   eventDetail: text;
   eventId: nat;
   eventTime: int;
   eventTitle: text;
   eventType: EventLogEntryType;
type Error = 
 variant {
type EntryRequirement = 
 variant {
type Disburse = 
 record {
   amount: opt Amount;
   to_account: opt AccountIdentifier;
type DataCacheDTO = 
 record {
   category: text;
   hash: text;
type CreatePrivateLeagueDTO = 
 record {
   adminFee: nat8;
   banner: opt blob;
   entrants: nat16;
   entryFee: nat;
   entryRequirement: EntryRequirement;
   name: text;
   paymentChoice: PaymentChoice;
   photo: opt blob;
   termsAgreed: bool;
   tokenId: TokenId;
type CreatePlayerDTO = 
 record {
   clubId: ClubId;
   dateOfBirth: int;
   firstName: text;
   lastName: text;
   nationality: CountryId;
   position: PlayerPosition;
   shirtNumber: nat8;
   valueQuarterMillions: nat16;
type CountryId = nat16;
type CountryDTO = 
 record {
   code: text;
   id: CountryId;
   name: text;
type Configure = record {operation: opt Operation;};
type Command = 
 variant {
   ClaimOrRefresh: ClaimOrRefresh;
   Configure: Configure;
   Disburse: Disburse;
   Follow: Follow;
   Spawn: Spawn;
   StakeMaturity: StakeMaturityResponse;
type ClubLeaderboardDTO = 
 record {
   clubId: ClubId;
   entries: vec LeaderboardEntry;
   month: nat8;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
   totalEntries: nat;
type ClubId = nat16;
type ClubFilterDTO = record {clubId: ClubId;};
type ClubDTO = 
 record {
   abbreviatedName: text;
   friendlyName: text;
   id: ClubId;
   name: text;
   primaryColourHex: text;
   secondaryColourHex: text;
   shirtType: ShirtType;
   thirdColourHex: text;
type ClaimOrRefreshNeuronFromAccount = 
 record {
   controller: opt principal;
   memo: nat64;
type ClaimOrRefresh = record {by: opt By;};
type ChangeAutoStakeMaturity = record {
type CanisterType = 
 variant {
type CanisterId = text;
type CanisterDTO = 
 record {
   canisterId: CanisterId;
   canister_type: CanisterType;
   cycles: nat;
   lastTopup: int;
type CalendarMonth = nat8;
type By = 
 variant {
   Memo: nat64;
   MemoAndController: ClaimOrRefreshNeuronFromAccount;
type Amount = record {e8s: nat64;};
type AddInitialFixturesDTO = 
 record {
   seasonFixtures: vec FixtureDTO;
   seasonId: SeasonId;
type AccountIdentifier__1 = blob;
type AccountIdentifier = record {hash: vec nat8;};
service : {
  acceptInviteAndPayFee: (CanisterId) -> (Result);
  acceptLeagueInvite: (CanisterId) -> (Result);
  createPrivateLeague: (CreatePrivateLeagueDTO) -> (Result);
  enterLeague: (CanisterId) -> (Result);
  enterLeagueWithFee: (CanisterId) -> (Result);
  executeAddInitialFixtures: (AddInitialFixturesDTO) -> ();
  executeAddNewToken: (NewTokenDTO) -> ();
  executeCreatePlayer: (CreatePlayerDTO) -> ();
  executeLoanPlayer: (LoanPlayerDTO) -> ();
  executeManageDAONeuron: (Command) -> ();
  executeMoveFixture: (MoveFixtureDTO) -> ();
  executePostponeFixture: (PostponeFixtureDTO) -> ();
  executePromoteFormerClub: (PromoteFormerClubDTO) -> ();
  executePromoteNewClub: (PromoteNewClubDTO) -> ();
  executeRecallPlayer: (RecallPlayerDTO) -> ();
  executeRescheduleFixture: (RescheduleFixtureDTO) -> ();
  executeRetirePlayer: (RetirePlayerDTO) -> ();
  executeRevaluePlayerDown: (RevaluePlayerDownDTO) -> ();
  executeRevaluePlayerUp: (RevaluePlayerUpDTO) -> ();
  executeSetPlayerInjury: (SetPlayerInjuryDTO) -> ();
  executeSubmitFixtureData: (SubmitFixtureDataDTO) -> ();
  executeTransferPlayer: (TransferPlayerDTO) -> ();
  executeUnretirePlayer: (UnretirePlayerDTO) -> ();
  executeUpdateClub: (UpdateClubDTO) -> ();
  executeUpdatePlayer: (UpdatePlayerDTO) -> ();
  getActiveManagerCanisterId: () -> (CanisterId);
  getActivePlayers: () -> (vec PlayerDTO);
  getAllPlayers: () -> (vec PlayerDTO);
  getBackendCanisterBalance: () -> (Result_3);
  getCanisterCyclesAvailable: () -> (nat);
  getCanisterCyclesBalance: () -> (Result_3);
  getCanisters: (GetCanistersDTO) -> (Result_27);
  getClubs: () -> (Result_23) query;
  getCountries: () -> (Result_26) query;
  getCurrentTeam: () -> (Result_25);
  getDataHashes: () -> (Result_24) query;
  getFixtures: (GetFixturesDTO) -> (Result_17) query;
  getFormerClubs: () -> (Result_23) query;
  getLoanedPlayers: (ClubFilterDTO) -> (Result_12) query;
  getManager: (GetManagerDTO) -> (Result_1);
  getManagerCanisterIds: () -> (vec CanisterId);
  getManagerPrivateLeagues: () -> (Result_22);
  getMonthlyLeaderboard: (GetMonthlyLeaderboardDTO) -> (Result_14);
  getMonthlyLeaderboards: (GetMonthlyLeaderboardsDTO) -> (Result_21);
  getNeuronId: () -> (nat64);
  getPlayerDetails: (GetPlayerDetailsDTO) -> (Result_20) query;
  getPlayerDetailsForGameweek: (GameweekFiltersDTO) -> (Result_19) query;
  getPlayerPointsMap: (SeasonId, GameweekNumber) ->
   (vec record {
  getPlayers: () -> (Result_12) query;
  getPlayersMap: (GameweekFiltersDTO) -> (Result_18) query;
  getPostponedFixtures: () -> (Result_17) query;
  getPrivateLeague: (CanisterId) -> (Result_16);
  getPrivateLeagueMembers: (GetLeagueMembersDTO) -> (Result_15);
  getPrivateLeagueMonthlyLeaderboard: (GetPrivateLeagueMonthlyLeaderboard) ->
  getPrivateLeagueSeasonLeaderboard: (GetPrivateLeagueSeasonLeaderboard) ->
  getPrivateLeagueWeeklyLeaderboard: (GetPrivateLeagueWeeklyLeaderboard) ->
  getProfile: () -> (Result_13);
  getRetiredPlayers: (ClubFilterDTO) -> (Result_12) query;
  getRewardPool: (GetRewardPoolDTO) -> (Result_11);
  getSeasonLeaderboard: (GetSeasonLeaderboardDTO) -> (Result_10);
  getSeasons: () -> (Result_9) query;
  getSystemLog: (GetSystemLogDTO) -> (Result_8);
  getSystemState: () -> (Result_7) query;
  getTimers: (GetTimersDTO) -> (Result_6);
  getTokenList: () -> (Result_5);
  getTopups: (GetTopupsDTO) -> (Result_4);
  getTotalManagers: () -> (Result_3) query;
  getTreasuryAccountPublic: () -> (AccountIdentifier__1);
  getWeeklyLeaderboard: (GetWeeklyLeaderboardDTO) -> (Result_2);
  inviteUserToLeague: (LeagueInviteDTO) -> (Result);
  isUsernameValid: (UsernameFilterDTO) -> (bool) query;
  logStatus: (LogStatusDTO) -> ();
  payPrivateLeagueRewards: (PrivateLeagueRewardDTO) -> ();
  requestCanisterTopup: (nat) -> ();
  saveFantasyTeam: (UpdateTeamSelectionDTO) -> (Result);
  searchUsername: (UsernameFilterDTO) -> (Result_1);
  setTimer: (int, text) -> ();
  updateFavouriteClub: (UpdateFavouriteClubDTO) -> (Result);
  updateLeagueBanner: (UpdateLeagueBannerDTO) -> (Result);
  updateLeagueName: (UpdateLeagueNameDTO) -> (Result);
  updateLeaguePicture: (UpdateLeaguePictureDTO) -> (Result);
  updateProfilePicture: (UpdateProfilePictureDTO) -> (Result);
  updateUsername: (UpdateUsernameDTO) -> (Result);
  validateAddInitialFixtures: (AddInitialFixturesDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateAddNewToken: (NewTokenDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateCreatePlayer: (CreatePlayerDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateLoanPlayer: (LoanPlayerDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateManageDAONeuron: (Command) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateMoveFixture: (MoveFixtureDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validatePostponeFixture: (PostponeFixtureDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validatePromoteFormerClub: (PromoteFormerClubDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validatePromoteNewClub: (PromoteNewClubDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateRecallPlayer: (RecallPlayerDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateRescheduleFixture: (RescheduleFixtureDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateRetirePlayer: (RetirePlayerDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateRevaluePlayerDown: (RevaluePlayerDownDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateRevaluePlayerUp: (RevaluePlayerUpDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateSetPlayerInjury: (SetPlayerInjuryDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateSubmitFixtureData: (SubmitFixtureDataDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateTransferPlayer: (TransferPlayerDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateUnretirePlayer: (UnretirePlayerDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateUpdateClub: (UpdateClubDTO) -> (RustResult) query;
  validateUpdatePlayer: (UpdatePlayerDTO) -> (RustResult) query;


type SubmitFixtureDataDTO = 
 record {
   fixtureId: FixtureId;
   gameweek: GameweekNumber;
   playerEventData: vec PlayerEventData;
   seasonId: SeasonId;

type PlayerEventData = 
 record {
   clubId: ClubId;
   eventEndMinute: nat8;
   eventStartMinute: nat8;
   eventType: PlayerEventType;
   fixtureId: FixtureId;
   playerId: nat16;

type PlayerEventType = 
 variant {

Here is the proposal:

and here is the function endpoint for the generic function:

Edit: Disregard the below. Found the function:


I don’t see anything too out of place. I don’t know which hash function is used for serializing variants to the Nats that are used in candid, but perhaps someone like @chenyan might know? You may want to check that the hash for Appearance and KeeperSave don’t by some freak chance hash to the same value. If you some random chance they do, the answer is to change the variant name of one of them. :grimacing:

When you encode the message with didc, always remember to attach the did file. So this line OpenFPL/governance/utils/ at master · jamesbeadle/OpenFPL · GitHub should be changed to didc encode ... -d a.did -m method_name

Also, I see you write a lot of bash with candid, I would strongly encourage you to try ic-repl, so you get much better candid support when writing scripts.


Yeah I will take a look at ic-repl, I’m just doing things the way OC does things atm.

I’m not sure what the new line would be… something like this:

PAYLOAD=$(didc encode "$ARGS" --format blob -d a.did -m method_name)

Where would I get the did file name and method name, the method it's calling is a generic function number?

You probably need to pass them in as arguments. At the call site, you should know which canister and method you are calling.

Does at the call site mean here:

Sorry I’m a bit confused, I’m not calling anything, I’m raising a proposal which then calls generic function 3000…

Yes, it’s that place. I’m not familiar with the proposal format. It seems you need to find the did file for “function 3000”…

For the candid values above FUNCTION_ID, you must be writing that based on some candid type, right? We need to find that candid type definition.

All the function endpoints are in my backend ‘god’ file as a entry point:

As you can see the .dfx folder contains ./dfx/ic/canisters/OpenFPL_backend/OpenFPL_Backend.did

I am also not sure on the proposal format, I’ve just been doing things the way OC devs do it since it’s the only working repo that covers a wide range of areas.

I have updated the github to include the .dfx folder with the .did files:

Okay, if you know you are calling the backend, you can pass in that did file, and it’s corresponding method name

PAYLOAD=$(didc encode "$ARGS" --format blob -d OpenFPL_Backend.did -m $METHOD)

But make that backend path a string and relative?

Yes, just a file path to the did file.

Please can you point me to the docs where it shows me the format of the candid file path passed into the didc encode command?

I don’t know the format of the path: