Way forward on spam - Proposal for tactical fix

Omg there is a whole article about it? For command line? ROFL

Well with an attitude like that in the community we certainly aren’t going to be seeing $10 any time soon lol….

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You honestly think the real issue is that people are incapable of using the command line? Insanity.

Giving more ICP to people already hell-bent on selling every last one is bad for the price.

I don’t think any whale investors appraising the technology would be put off specifically by a temporary protocol oddity that gives them a better ROI. Your average whale investor is probably just waiting for some dude in a baseball cap on Youtube to say ICP is better than Cardano.


Spam is expected in any system. The point you are missing is that what people want to see is an active community making proposals. Even some of the “spam” ones if you read them voice legit issues on occasion.

This proposal takes away what little incentive there was to make proposals for anyone who felt the need to read an entire article to do it command line :rofl:


Where are these trenches of which you speak? In everything I have read, the major issue people have with ICP is centralisation. Increasing governance rewards made the network less centralised. Rolling that change back makes it more centralised. How turning back the clock on decentralisation will help price I cannot understand.

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I’ve been in this space for 10+ plus years, in software in general since 1999

Getting non-tech users to use command like is like thinking pigs should fly. I’d question the wisdom of anyone who thinks Cmd line is a viable option for most users…

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Also something important seems to have happened just today. The active voting power has exceeded 50% for the first time ever.

This means that even if this proposal doesn’t pass, the Foundation, ICA and whales could vote quickly to pass the 50% barrier so the spam proposals don’t appear in the UX for new users.


Honestly tho Only a completely noob teleported in from 1975 doesn’t know what spam is. Some of the arguments I see here are just … well good luck to us if the icp keeps going in this direction.

Hi everyone.
I’m just an average Joe so please be nice to me.
I honestly can’t find 15’/day to go through and accept/reject all governance proposals let alone everything else. So I decided that I’ll follow the Foundation vote.
Am I doing it right? I suppose that the Foundation will never miss voting any topic, won’t they?
And what will be the financial implication of this proposal to an average Joe like me should it pass/fail?
Thank you.

If you follow the foundation on governance proposals your neuron won’t vote, maybe this should be better communicated in the NNS UI, if you want to vote on autopilot follow another named neuron, e.g ICP maximalist or the neuron of someone you trust and know votes everyday.

Thanks Zane for a very prompt response. Really appreciate that.
I didn’t know that the Foundation don’t vote on governance proposals. So I just added ICP Maximalist to my Following list.
By the way, is there any other neurons that I can “trust the most” to follow?
I find the current explorer is quite difficult to find essential information related to a neuron (such as how many votes have I/my neuron ever missed, how the maturity of my neuron has been grown, which neurons have voted the most, etc.)

By the way, Zane. I just quickly checked (using the dashboard) and it seems that the Definity Foundation neuron that I’m following (neuron #27) DID vote on all governance proposals.
So I’m a bit confused. Correct me if I’m wrong on this please. Many thanks.

All named neurons are trustable in theory, I personally follow ICPMN cause it alignes with my ideals mostly and always votes on governance, other named neurons forgot to vote in the past. Other than named neurons I don’t know any neuron worth following.

The foundation votes on governance proposals but if you follow them your neuron won’t follow their vote, this was done months ago to make the NNS more decentralized and remove voting power from the foundation.

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Oh I got it now. Thanks a lot for the explanation. And yes, I agree 100% with you that this information should be clearly displayed on the NNS. Anyway I added ICPMN to my Following list now. Thanks for this & all the best.

First off, I absolutely love this phrase

We know from Kyle’s analysis that a good portion of these VCs/seed investors set up default following or are missing out on the governance vote, which is where the inflated rewards (and spam incentive) are coming from.

A few months ago, @Kyle_Langham and @wpb passed Periodic Confirmation of Neuron Followees. This proposal should assuage the concerns of those like yourself and @Zane that feel wronged by investors who haven’t checked in since genesis.

Implement this voter passed proposal that forces voters to periodically confirm their followees, and we should then theoretically end up with similar voting rewards (since inactive voters won’t re-confirm any of their followees and will miss out on not just governance voting rewards, but all other proposal rewards).

To conclude, this week’s governance proposal weight reset solves the issue of financially incentivized spam (by those same, “average whale investors” that sponsored @ysyms), and the periodic confirmation of default followees solves the other half of the equation, requiring a minimal amount of participation (once every 6 months) in the governance of the network in order to receive staked voting rewards.


This is incorrect. If you follow the DFINITY Foundation on the Governance topic and the DFINITY Foundation votes on a Governance topic proposal, the normal follow rules will apply.

What was done months ago was to change the setting All Topics to All Topics Except Governance, and for a period of time the DFINITY Foundation was not voting on Governance topic proposals. During that time, many neuron holders set up their neurons to follow non-DFINITY neurons for the Governance topic. That’s still a smart thing to do, since there’s no guarantee that DFINITY will vote on every Governance proposal even it does now vote on the vast majority of them.


I understand, I stand corrected then.


Thanks for the heads up. I’m geeking out on this development. We have achieved an Absolute Majority result on a Governance proposal for the first time since Simple Majority was implemented last year. In fact, this is the first time ever that a proposal has achieved Absolute Majority where Dfinity didn’t cast the initiating vote that execute nearly all voting power in the NNS due to default following. This happened without default following! It’s a major milestone in my opinion.

This Tactical Fix proposal has attracted new participants to governance participation who were not voting previously. Hopefully they will continue participating by either voting manually or by setting a Followee for both Governance topic and All Topics Except Governance. Another way to solve the spam problem is for everyone to start voting on Governance proposals, so any progress in that directions is really good for decentralization IMO.

For anyone who is not aware, executing a vote by Absolute Majority does not mean the Voting Period is over. It just means that no matter how many votes are cast it will not change the outcome, so the proposal is executed or rejected immediately. The proposals circled in yellow are still accepting votes. You still have time to get your voting rewards, so go vote and don’t forget to vote on future Governance proposals!

If you are configuring your neuron with a Followee for the Governance topic for the first time today, then you need to vote manually for these proposals in yellow. All neurons you are likely to choose as a Followee have probably already voted. Hence, they will not vote for you on these proposals. After you configure your neuron, your Followee will vote for you for any NEW proposals. Go to the voting tab in the NNS dApp and vote for every Governance proposal. Click the check box that hides proposals where you have already voted to make it easier.