We received funding from the Dfinity Foundation to develop a VS Code extension for ICP. One of the deliverables for Milestone 2 is to publish the extension on the VS Code Marketplace.
Before doing so, however, we would like to gather some feedback from the developer community.
Here’s the link to download the .vsix file: Download the .vsix file
[https://] drive[.]google[.]com/file/d/1KkI4M8Xq2BNfkDyTw3zWxct2LADQk4YP/view?usp=sharing)
To Install the .vsix package in Visual Studio Code:
Open Visual Studio Code.
Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+X.
Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the Extensions view.
Select Install from VSIX…
Browse to the .vsix file generated in step 2 and select it.
Example Use Cases
The extension comes with several built-in commands to manage and interact with dfx.json and related development tasks. These commands are executed through the context menu in the Canisters View.
Refresh: When you have made changes to the dfx.json file outside of VS Code or through other processes and want to ensure the tree view is up-to-date.
canisters> Show Actions:
Start the Replica:
Use Case: When you need to start the local Internet Computer (IC) replica to test your canisters.
Action: Select “Start Replica” from the options menu to initiate the local IC instance.
Deploy All Canisters:
Use Case: When you want to deploy all canisters defined in the dfx.json file.
Action: Select “Deploy Canisters” from the options menu to deploy all canisters at once.
Deploy Candid:
Use Case: When you want to use Candid UI to test deployed canister methods in webview in VS Code.
Action: Select “Deploy Candid” from the options menu to deploy Candid UI canister.
Show Canister Actions:
Deploy a Canister:
Use Case: When you have made changes to a specific canister and need to deploy it.
Action: Click on the canister in the tree view and select “Deploy Canister”
View Logs:
Use Case: View logs for specific canister.
Action: Click on a canister and select “View Logs”
Open Candid UI:
Use Case: Open Candid UI in webview.
Action: Click on a canister which has been deployed and select “Open Candid UI”
Open Candid UI in sidebar:
Use Case: Open Candid UI in webview in sidebar.
Action: Click on a canister which has been deployed and select “Open Candid UI in sidebar”
Deployed canisters:
This is a menu view which shows deployed canisters and by selecting one of it you can open Candid UI with selected deployed canister in sidebar.
Candid UI
For running Candid UI in this extension we changed authentication functionality by removing authentitcating user in Internet Identity canister and instead we added set of 10 random identities in Candid UI which are ready to use. They are generated from the same seed phrase during nut robust trouble drip question series endless hurry upper track cost time bone crunch gorilla cause peasant fantasy prison banana toy toward mean and with changed derivation path for next ones. Also we added functions to expand this set which are
Add new identity - adds new random identity from the seed phrase pasted above
New identity from seed phrase - adds new identity from the seed phrase given by user
New identity from private key - adds new identity from private key given by user
I was able to download the vsix, but you may want to fix the link. I had to copy it and manually put it together
Start replica works for me but the CandidUI and deploy are not working due to not a terminal error
Deploying canister: main
Error: Command failed: dfx deploy main
Error: Failed to create AgentEnvironment.
Caused by: Failed to create AgentEnvironment for network 'local'.
Caused by: Failed to load identity
Caused by: Failed to instantiate identity
Caused by: Failed to load PEM
Caused by: Failed to load PEM file from file
Caused by: Failed to decrypt PEM file at /home/gekctek/.config/dfx/identity/main/identity.pem.encrypted
Caused by: Failed to read user input
Caused by: IO error: not a terminal
Caused by: not a terminal
Im no longer getting that error
It deploys the canister but I dont see any ‘Deployed Canisters’ or ‘Candid UI’
Candid UI just shows ‘Waiting for Candid UI deploy finish’ even with a restart/refresh
property type must have one of the values: rust, assets, custom, motoko, pull
EDIT : if I use dfx 0.23.0 to deploy, I get the error canister 'backend' has unknown type 'azle' and there is no installed extension by that name which could define it, so indeed, this dfx file is not valid for using with the last version of dfx.
Can you provide us logs from terminal when you are trying to open the Candid UI? And can you write the steps to the point when you are trying to open canister in Candid UI view? Can you confirm that the canister for which you want to open Candid UI is running and can you check that after deploying given canister that there has been created directory .dfx/local with file canister_ids.json which contains IDs of the local deployed canisters? This directory should be located in the directory root of the project you are currently working on. I am assuming that there is no problem with deploying this canister you are working on outside of the extension and everything is running fine then?
I dont get any errors as you can see. It also deploys the candid UI with ‘Open CandidUI’, but the sidebar does nothing and just says Waiting for Candid UI deploy finish when doing ‘Open CandidUI with sidebar’
Also no deployed canisters
I deployed a canister and could open the Candid UI in the sidebar successfully. Really cool that you have this feature to create new account, that is helpful for quick test!
What do I need to do to see canister logs? And would it be possible to enable different network flags when deploying? E.g. that I can also deploy to mainnet or to the playground (like dfx deploy --playground) on mainnet?
We’re currently using a constant seed phrase for every user (which we acknowledge is not ideal from a security perspective). The seed phrase can be found in the Readme:
during nut robust trouble drip question series endless hurry upper track cost time bone crunch gorilla cause peasant fantasy prison banana toy toward mean
However, you can import your own identity using your own seed phrase or private key. In the next version, we plan to allow users to generate their own seed phrases.