Hello there!
we are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 71669.
There are lots of exciting new features and bugfixes. Here is a more complete list of changes:
* Consensus: Add canister http metrics
* Consensus: Canister Http Delivery Fix
* Consensus: Do a size check in `validate_ingress`
* Consensus: Ensure ecdsa payload is empty when upgrading
* Consensus: Fix ecdsa response delivery to not depend on state
* Consensus: Fix small bug found in batch.rs
* Consensus: Remove evaludate_max_rps from workload generator
* Crypto: Add bls12_381 to MIRACL conversion functions
* Crypto: Add support for G2Prepared and multipairings in bls12_381 wrapper
* Crypto: Add support for comparison of BLS12-381 Scalars
* Crypto: Create corruption functions for Threshold ECDSA types
* Crypto: Remove obsolete potential error from multi-sig sign()-API
* Crypto: Remove unnecessary `mut` in CSP key generation API
* Crypto: Switch to using zkcrypto for hash to curve G2
* Crypto: Upgrade zkcrypto/bls12_381 to 0.7.0 to benefit from performance improvements
* Execution: Provisional apis should refund cycles correctly
* Execution: Reject queries to frozen canisters
* Execution: propagate subnet size to execution
* Message Routing: Incrementally compute manifest for WASM binaries
* Message Routing: Make checkpoint deletion more robust
* Message Routing: Persist wasm module hash in checkpoint
* Networking: Acquire the RwLock of the peer_map before on_connect_setup
* Networking: Add IntGaugeResource for keeping track of tokio tasks
* Networking: Add reasoning why we won't remove enforce_https for now
* Networking: Block replica ports that are used byto prevent users from accessing the replica
* Networking: Fix the broken gauges for read and write task tracking
* Networking: Improve btc test
* Networking: Improve logging and introduce tcp_accepts_total and tcp_connects_total metrics
* Networking: Make flow_write_task and flow_read_task be &self instead of associated functions
* Networking: Make some of the FlowState data members private
* Networking: Remove the logic for the "sender error" bit in the header
* Networking: Small refactoring of transport code
* Networking: Update the ConnectionState on_disconnect only after we send the event via the the event_handler
* Node: Revert DNS based NNS_URL until boundary-nodes fully support IPv6
* Node: Slow down node registration to give HSM time
* Node: Update build sha for snp image
* Node: Use DNS based NNS_URL instead of hard-coded node addresses
* Node: Use new baseimages in build
* Orchestrator: Better logs for replica
* Orchestrator: Fetch CUPs from more peers until one is successful ...
* Orchestrator: Simplify the polling delay between registry fetches
* Orchestrator: Update NNS URLs at each iteration of node registration
* Runtime: Add a config for slice instruction limit
* Runtime: Add metrics for module deserialization
* Runtime: Add wasm deserialization benchmarks
* Runtime: Enable module sharing
* Runtime: Fix DTS instruction bookkeeping in Wasm executor
* Runtime: Improve DTS out-of-instructions handler
* Runtime: Make ExecuteMessageResult an enum for DTS
* Runtime: Move round instruction limit to `RoundLimits`
* Runtime: Propagate slice executed instructions from Wasm
* Runtime: Refactor instruction limits in `ExecutionParameters`
* Runtime: Remove cycles u128 flag
* Runtime: Remove support for changing compute allocation during install
* Runtime: Remove unneeded return in stable-structures
* Runtime: Resolves TODOs in `SandboxedExecutionController`
* Runtime: Simplify DTS for install code
* Runtime: Track compiled canisters in ReplicatedState
* Runtime: Use the `CompilationCostHandling` when adjusting round limits
* Various tech-debt management: code refactoring, docs, bug fixes, test updates
And a complete list of changes can of course be found on GitHub.
Please reply to this message if you have any questions or comments.