Hello there!
we are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 63228.
There are lots of exciting new features and bugfixes. Here is a more complete list of changes:
* Consensus: Add canister http pool manager
* Consensus: Fix for node membership check in tECDSA
* Consensus: Implement CanisterHttpPayloadBuilder
* Consensus: IngressManager always builds payloads that pass size validation even after serialization
* Consensus: Start delivering responses associated with canister http to execution
* Consensus: Update ECDSA Payload Verifier
* Crypto: Generate serial for TLS certificate directly in generate_tls_key_pair instead of taking it as param
* Execution: Refactor execute_response
* Execution: Refactoring: support multiple `TxIn`/`TxOut`'s within one bitcoin transaction in `TransactionBuilder`.
* Message Routing: Add NNS function and admin proposals for canister migration
* Message Routing: Add registry canister methods for migrations
* Networking: Add a global concurrency limit for the read_state, status and dashboard endpoints
* Networking: Remove tokio::main from rs/replica/src/main.rs
* Networking: Set the prost crate version to 0.10.4
* Node: Create extra disk- and update-image archives with Zstandard (zstd) compression
* Node: Force wiping signatures on LVs created at boot
* Node: Generate 'generic-guest-os' images with Zstandard (zstd) compression
* Node: Make unconfined_t permissive for now
* Node: SELinux fix around machine-id
* Node: SELinux fixes for ic_canister_sandbox
* Node: Various SELinux fixes
* Orchestrator: remove idkg key update mechanism
* Runtime: Get ECDSA queue size from Registry
* Runtime: Limit wasm code complexity
* Various bug fixes and test updates
And a complete list of changes can of course be found on GitHub.
Please reply to this message if you have any questions or comments.