Updating the list of public subnets - proposal 134674

A new proposal with id 134674 has been submitted, please take a look.

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Updating the list of authorized subnets to:

Subnet id Subnet Type Public Description
2fq7c-slacv-26cgz-vzbx2-2jrcs-5edph-i5s2j-tck77-c3rlz-iobzx-mqe Application false Subnet has more than 60000 canisters
3hhby-wmtmw-umt4t-7ieyg-bbiig-xiylg-sblrt-voxgt-bqckd-a75bf-rqe Application false Subnet has more than 400 GiB state size
4ecnw-byqwz-dtgss-ua2mh-pfvs7-c3lct-gtf4e-hnu75-j7eek-iifqm-sqe Application true
4zbus-z2bmt-ilreg-xakz4-6tyre-hsqj4-slb4g-zjwqo-snjcc-iqphi-3qe Verified Application true
5kdm2-62fc6-fwnja-hutkz-ycsnm-4z33i-woh43-4cenu-ev7mi-gii6t-4ae Verified Application false Other verified subnets opened up in this run
6pbhf-qzpdk-kuqbr-pklfa-5ehhf-jfjps-zsj6q-57nrl-kzhpd-mu7hc-vae Application false ⇒ true
bkfrj-6k62g-dycql-7h53p-atvkj-zg4to-gaogh-netha-ptybj-ntsgw-rqe Application false Explicitly marked as non-public (European subnet)
brlsh-zidhj-3yy3e-6vqbz-7xnih-xeq2l-as5oc-g32c4-i5pdn-2wwof-oae Application true
csyj4-zmann-ys6ge-3kzi6-onexi-obayx-2fvak-zersm-euci4-6pslt-lae Verified Application false Other verified subnets opened up in this run
cv73p-6v7zi-u67oy-7jc3h-qspsz-g5lrj-4fn7k-xrax3-thek2-sl46v-jae Application true
e66qm-3cydn-nkf4i-ml4rb-4ro6o-srm5s-x5hwq-hnprz-3meqp-s7vks-5qe Application true
ejbmu-grnam-gk6ol-6irwa-htwoj-7ihfl-goimw-hlnvh-abms4-47v2e-zqe Verified Application false ⇒ true
eq6en-6jqla-fbu5s-daskr-h6hx2-376n5-iqabl-qgrng-gfqmv-n3yjr-mqe Verified Application false Subnet has more than 60000 canisters
fuqsr-in2lc-zbcjj-ydmcw-pzq7h-4xm2z-pto4i-dcyee-5z4rz-x63ji-nae Application true
gmq5v-hbozq-uui6y-o55wc-ihop3-562wb-3qspg-nnijg-npqp5-he3cj-3ae Application true
io67a-2jmkw-zup3h-snbwi-g6a5n-rm5dn-b6png-lvdpl-nqnto-yih6l-gqe Verified Application true
jtdsg-3h6gi-hs7o5-z2soi-43w3z-soyl3-ajnp3-ekni5-sw553-5kw67-nqe Application true
k44fs-gm4pv-afozh-rs7zw-cg32n-u7xov-xqyx3-2pw5q-eucnu-cosd4-uqe Application false Subnet has more than 400 GiB state size
lhg73-sax6z-2zank-6oer2-575lz-zgbxx-ptudx-5korm-fy7we-kh4hl-pqe Application false Subnet has more than 400 GiB state size
lspz2-jx4pu-k3e7p-znm7j-q4yum-ork6e-6w4q6-pijwq-znehu-4jabe-kqe Application true
mpubz-g52jc-grhjo-5oze5-qcj74-sex34-omprz-ivnsm-qvvhr-rfzpv-vae Application false ⇒ true
nl6hn-ja4yw-wvmpy-3z2jx-ymc34-pisx3-3cp5z-3oj4a-qzzny-jbsv3-4qe Application false ⇒ true
o3ow2-2ipam-6fcjo-3j5vt-fzbge-2g7my-5fz2m-p4o2t-dwlc4-gt2q7-5ae Application false ⇒ true
opn46-zyspe-hhmyp-4zu6u-7sbrh-dok77-m7dch-im62f-vyimr-a3n2c-4ae Application false ⇒ true
pae4o-o6dxf-xki7q-ezclx-znyd6-fnk6w-vkv5z-5lfwh-xym2i-otrrw-fqe Verified Application false Other verified subnets opened up in this run
pjljw-kztyl-46ud4-ofrj6-nzkhm-3n4nt-wi3jt-ypmav-ijqkt-gjf66-uae Application true
pzp6e-ekpqk-3c5x7-2h6so-njoeq-mt45d-h3h6c-q3mxf-vpeq5-fk5o7-yae Application false Explicitly marked as non-public (Fiduciary subnet)
qdvhd-os4o2-zzrdw-xrcv4-gljou-eztdp-bj326-e6jgr-tkhuc-ql6v2-yqe Application true
qxesv-zoxpm-vc64m-zxguk-5sj74-35vrb-tbgwg-pcird-5gr26-62oxl-cae Verified Application false Other verified subnets opened up in this run
shefu-t3kr5-t5q3w-mqmdq-jabyv-vyvtf-cyyey-3kmo4-toyln-emubw-4qe Verified Application false Explicitly marked as non-public (Distrikt subnet cannot be public before migrating away from ICQC)
snjp4-xlbw4-mnbog-ddwy6-6ckfd-2w5a2-eipqo-7l436-pxqkh-l6fuv-vae Verified Application false Other verified subnets opened up in this run
tdb26-jop6k-aogll-7ltgs-eruif-6kk7m-qpktf-gdiqx-mxtrf-vb5e6-eqe System false System subnets should not have public access
uzr34-akd3s-xrdag-3ql62-ocgoh-ld2ao-tamcv-54e7j-krwgb-2gm4z-oqe System false System subnets should not have public access
w4asl-4nmyj-qnr7c-6cqq4-tkwmt-o26di-iupkq-vx4kt-asbrx-jzuxh-4ae Verified Application false Other verified subnets opened up in this run
w4rem-dv5e3-widiz-wbpea-kbttk-mnzfm-tzrc7-svcj3-kbxyb-zamch-hqe System false System subnets should not have public access
x33ed-h457x-bsgyx-oqxqf-6pzwv-wkhzr-rm2j3-npodi-purzm-n66cg-gae Application false Explicitly marked as non-public (SNS subnet)
yinp6-35cfo-wgcd2-oc4ty-2kqpf-t4dul-rfk33-fsq3r-mfmua-m2ngh-jqe Application false ⇒ true

Note that we increased the subnet size limit to 400GiB, to make more subnets public.


Thanks for the info @sat. Out of interest do you know if there’s any public discussion about increasing this subnet memory usage cap? I’d be interested to read about it, including what the hard limit actually is. Presumably this depends on the number of nodes in the subnet?

What would happen if the state of a subnet hits that hard limit? I’d expect increasing the soft limit to increase the chances of this happening (given that the limit on the number of canisters isn’t being reduced).

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While we welcome any increase in any overall limits what was the reason behind this increase and specially why this number. Also as Alex stated in his post above what would be the issues faced by any subnet that gets close to this? Thanks.

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Proposal 134674 Review | LORIMER Known Neuron


TLDR: Makes 7 private subnets public (for anyone to deploy canisters to).

I’ve checked the claims in the proposal against CMC data and proposal history, and have produced the table below. From what I can see the claims in the proposal are accurate.

Interestingly there are numerous principals with privileged deployment access to private subnets which this proposal will make public subnets if it executes (meaning those principals will lose their exclusivity over the respective subnet). These principals are listed below next to the “+ EVERYONE” change indicator.

@sat, do these principals need to be notified that their subnets may become significantly busier? (presumably they’ve had exclusivity for a reason)

Subnet id Subnet Type Public Authorised Principals Last Changed Canisters Memory Usage Proposal Action and Claims
6pbhf Application false true OCCUPANTS EVERYBODY 2024-12-02 by 134334 34,875 385.196 GB Subnet Type: Application, Public: false ⇒ true
ejbmu Verified Application false true 2mgs2 + EVERYONE 252 4.882 GB Subnet Type: Verified Application, Public: false ⇒ true
3hlbk + EVERYONE
6i6gh + EVERYONE
l3x6q + EVERYONE
m7b5y + EVERYONE
oyryp + EVERYONE
pr42y + EVERYONE
ruurp + EVERYONE
mpubz Application false true pr42y + EVERYONE 2024-12-16 by 134498 54,987 292.324 GB Subnet Type: Application, Public: false ⇒ true
nl6hn Application false true OCCUPANTS EVERYBODY 2024-12-16 by 134498 31,293 272.574 GB Subnet Type: Application, Public: false ⇒ true
o3ow2 Application false true OCCUPANTS EVERYBODY 2024-12-16 by 134498 56,282 275.517 GB Subnet Type: Application, Public: false ⇒ true
opn46 Application false true pr42y + EVERYONE 2024-12-16 by 134498 39,560 296.047 GB Subnet Type: Application, Public: false ⇒ true
yinp6 Application false true OCCUPANTS EVERYBODY 2024-12-02 by 134334 5,541 318.758 GB Subnet Type: Application, Public: false ⇒ true

No one I talked with mentioned that anyone needs to be notified. The verified subnets were initially restricted in access to reduce risk (back at launch). There is no need for that anymore.


In the code there is a hard limit of 1TiB of data per subnet. The reservation mechanism kicks in at around 600GiB, when it starts getting expensive to have canisters on such subnets. That was all adopted through IC-OS (Replica) changes a while ago.
The limit we set here is just a conservative number, to try to balance out subnet load a bit.


Nothing special happens, except that once we remove a subnet from the list, CMC will stop creating new canisters on that subnets. That’s all. As mentioned above, the real mechanism kicks in later.


Thanks @sat, that explains why I was unable to find a proposal that gave those principals privileged access to the subnet ejbmu. I guess anyone who’s subscribed to notifications on the ejbmu forum topic will also be notified in advance of this proposal executing.

All the other subnets affected by this proposal previously had proposals (linked to in the table above) which set them to private, all with the reason “Subnet has more than 300 GiB state size”.

LGTM, I’ll vote to adopt.

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Proposal #134674 — Zack | CodeGov

Vote: Adopted

The proposal is correct, forum link has additional info about commit 8c2a24f increasing DEFAULT_STATE_SIZE_BYTES_LIMIT to 400GB .
While checking the subnets came across one offline node lpkij of the 13 from 4ecnw.
Should probably be replaced.

About CodeGov (click to expand).

CodeGov has a team of developers who review and vote independently on the following proposal topics: IC-OS Version Election, Protocol Canister Management, Subnet Management, Node Admin, and Participant Management. The CodeGov NNS known neuron is configured to follow our reviewers on these topics and Synapse on most other topics. We strive to be a credible and reliable Followee option that votes on every proposal and every proposal topic in the NNS. We also support decentralization of SNS projects such as WaterNeuron and KongSwap with a known neuron and credible Followees.

Learn more about CodeGov and its mission at codegov.org.

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Proposal 134674 | Tim - CodeGov

Vote: Adopt

This proposal changes 7 subnets from private to public. The payload matches the list in the proposal text and the reasoning for these changes is sound.

About CodeGov…

CodeGov has a team of developers who review and vote independently on the following proposal topics: IC-OS Version Election, Protocol Canister Management, Subnet Management, Node Admin, and Participant Management. The CodeGov NNS known neuron is configured to follow our reviewers on these topics and Synapse on most other topics. We strive to be a credible and reliable Followee option that votes on every proposal and every proposal topic in the NNS. We also support decentralisation of SNS projects such as WaterNeuron and KongSwap with a known neuron and credible Followees.

Learn more about CodeGov and its mission at codegov.org.


Proposal 134674 – LaCosta | CodeGov


The proposal updates the list of public subnets, changing 7 subnets from private to public. This comes also from a change that increased the subnet state size from 300 GiB to 400 GiB allowing more subnets to become public, e.g subnet 6pbhf that was made public, currently has a state size of 385.93 GiB.

About CodeGov…

CodeGov has a team of developers who review and vote independently on the following proposal topics: IC-OS Version Election, Protocol Canister Management, Subnet Management, Node Admin, and Participant Management. The CodeGov NNS known neuron is configured to follow our reviewers on these topics and Synapse on most other topics. We strive to be a credible and reliable Followee option that votes on every proposal and every proposal topic in the NNS. We also support decentralization of SNS projects such as WaterNeuron and KongSwap with a known neuron and credible Followees.

Learn more about CodeGov and its mission at codegov.org.