Upcoming The Players Club SNS DAO

The first rule of the Players Club… you don’t participate in this swap :wink:

Hello everyone.
I’ll soon make a proposal to initialise an SNS called The Players Club.

  • The Players Club is a non-profit organization with one mission: bootstrap and support the development of R3boot, a gamified and collaborative ecosystem for Web3 entrepreneurs, developers and innovators.
  • This isn’t an investment or a fundraising event. The only reason for this swap is because it’s technically needed to set up an SNS. To make that clear, the swap is capped at just 1 ICP. I’m asking everyone not to participate—any funds sent will be fully refunded.

  • Since this isn’t a fundraiser, there’s no roadmap, white paper, or tokenomics analysis—because none of that applies here. There are also no neuron funds involved.

  • The Player Club legal status is as a non-profit DAO LLC registered in the Marshall Islands, with its status publicly verifiable at registry.midao.org/public-registry.

  • The Players Club will operate with the simplest possible governance structure: I take all the decisions, everything is transparent and I’m held accountable by the on-chain records. Extremely simple.

  • Here is the sns_init.yaml file with the parameters required to launch. The specifics aren’t particularly relevant given what we’re doing but still: sns/sns_init.yaml at main · motoko-bootcamp/sns · GitHub

  • The NNS proposal will happen as soon as possible, once the recommended deadline period is over.

Disclaimer: The Players Club DAO LLC is independent and experimental. It operates independently from the DFINITY Foundation, the NNS, and any other entities. The $REBOOT token has no economic value, serves only governance purposes, and should not be considered an investment. The creation of the $REBOOT token is being done on behalf of The Players Club DAO LLC by the NNS for technical purposes only. As an experimental project, participants should understand there are significant risks and no guarantees of success.

Happy to answer any question :person_raising_hand:


Just curious how do you plan to utilise the SNS infrastructure if there are no neurons? Currently, you need neurons to make and vote on the proposals?

Also if there is no ICP raised how does the DAO plan to pay for the cycles of the spun up governance, ledger, index, root canisters etc. I think all of these things are spun up by default from the SNS-W canister ? I think someone estimated this can cost upwards of 3k usd a year.


Yes, we’re still going to have neurons, as you said you can’t have an SNS without neurons. But those neurons will be limited and identified to specific individuals. Neurons will simply vote to formalize and add the on-chain record to decision, but decisions will be made prior.

Regarding the infrastructure costs, I’ll subsidize it initially, but the goal is for the Club to become self-sustaining. Costs are between $50 to $100 per month, and apparently they are cost reductions in newer versions of the SNS.


Bill said it all.

The only point I’m unclear about is for the initial costs of launch/canister spawn, I’m not sure how that works, the tooling of the SNS has validated the current sns_init.yaml file, but that might not be enough. If not enough, I’ll raise the number of ICP being swapped, until the absolute minimum needed.


A question I saw on the DFINITY-internal Slack: why? It looks like you’re not interested in either funding or governance. Why do you want an SNS then?


I’m interested in all the rest that the SNS provides out-of-the box:

  • On-chain management of software, with a baked-in record of proposals, and history of decisions, passed proposals, and transfers.
  • On-chain management of treasury, with possibility of hiring/paying employees or contractors through the SNS DAO.
  • Connection with rest of the ecosystem through the different standards that SNS follows (ICRC), notably token standards but also the nascent ecosystem of tools that enables proposals to be passed or submitted by anyone non-technical.

While, as I said in the OP, I intend to be the final decidor for the foreseeable future (I’m the only Player anyway), the set of features and possible improvements in the future mean that the governance system is ready to evolve as the situation requires it.

So basically I’m interested in everything that the SNS provides, expect the fundraise aspect.