Unbound type error while importing

I am splitting my code into different modules.

In my main.mo I have the following:

import Principal "mo:base/Principal";

import Profile "profile"; 

actor App {
let users : HashMap.HashMap<Principal, Profile> = HashMap.HashMap<Principal, Profile> (0, Principal.equal, Principal,hash); 

//I have a bunch of functions here 


In profile.mo :

module {
public type Profile = {
    fname : Text; 
    lname : Text; 


The issue that I am facing is that when I import the Profile module that lives in profile.mo I get the following error:

unbound type Profile

It’s probably because you should prefix with module or re-declare your types.

For example I’ve got in ./types/types.mo:

import Principal "mo:base/Principal";

module {
    public type UserId = Principal;

When I want to use it else where like in manager/manager.mo I redeclare the types to shorten the usages:

import Types "../types/types";

actor Manager {
    private type UserId = Types.UserId;

    // Then I can use UserId ...

    public func something(): async (UserId) {
        let userId: UserId = ....

But I guess it should work out too without redeclaring but by prefixing with modules:

import Types "../types/types";

actor Manager {
    // Then I can use Types.UserId ...

    public func something(): async (Types.UserId) {
        let userId: Types.UserId = ....
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Got it. I wasnt redeclaring before using it. Thanks @peterparker That fixed it!

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