To upgrade our fleet of canisters, we typically stop the canister, perform the upgrade, and then restart it. However, we’ve recently encountered issues with stopping the canister due to timeout errors. Is there a more efficient way to handle this process, or could we increase the timeout to resolve the issue?
//canister upgrade
pub async fn upgrade_canister_util(arg: InstallCodeArgument) -> CallResult<()> {
let canister_id = arg.canister_id;
stop_canister(CanisterIdRecord { canister_id }).await?;
let install_code_result = main::install_code(arg).await;
start_canister(CanisterIdRecord { canister_id }).await?;
//canister logs
[0. 2025-02-27T07:58:49.922734439Z]: Failed to upgrade canister limgq-myaaa-aaaao-qbgga-cai. Error: Stop canister request timed out
[1. 2025-02-27T07:58:57.844228987Z]: Failed to upgrade canister m4e67-viaaa-aaaal-ad73q-cai. Error: Stop canister request timed out