Thoughts on the token standard

Dfinity Fungible Token Standard Change Logs

v0.1.4 Changes



Let me introduce the major change in v0.2

Nonce: approve/transfer/transferFrom/burn/mint support optional nonce to avoid submitting the same transaction repeatedly
Remove notify & call : why remove?

Talking to untrustworthy canisters can be risky, for the following (likely incomplete) reasons:

The other canister can withhold a response. Although the bidirectional messaging paradigm of the Internet Computer was designed to guarantee a response eventually, the other party can busy-loop for as long as they are willing to pay for before responding. Worse, there are ways to deadlock a canister.
The other canister can respond with invalidly encoded Candid. This will cause a Motoko-implemented canister to trap in the reply handler, with no easy way to recover. Other CDKs may give you better ways to handle invalid Candid, but even then you will have to worry about Candid cycle bombs that will cause your reply handler to trap.

Fee struct : the old logic

The fee rate has a default decimals 8, this one is undocumented, just a default setting that confuses developers. Now rate_decimals is added to Fee Struct to clearly identify the decimal places of rate, which is more clear

type Fee = record { rate : nat; rate_decimals : nat8; minimum : nat };

Tx Record: DFT Standard compatible with AccountId and Principal, if the caller in the TxRecord use principal, the original Principal of the accountid will be exposed. For privacy reasons, the caller of the tx record is changed from Principal to TokenHolder to avoid privacy leakage.