The Internet Computer in a world of modular blockchains

I definitely agree speed is currently valued higher than security, and Im definitely not as alarmist about this as the tweeter is. Think it will take some time to play out.

However I’m not sure it would be accurate to call IC scaling “infinite” as it currently stands.
Since subnets don’t share security it really doesnt differ all that much from cosmos IBC aside from everything being more tightly integrated.

Even query calls have to go through consensus as it stands.

Is it fair to call cosmos scaling infinite? I dont think so.

Yeah could be something, but tbh Im more interested in the IC becoming a layer 2 (yeah yeah I know, not gonna happen) because I do think similar systems to the IC will sooner or later start popping up in other ecosystems, in the form of layer 2s.

Also the question then becomes, why even run it on IC if you get much higher security guarantees & other benefits with a layer 1 fully optimized for this (like celestia)?

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