Subnet Management - 6pbhf (Application)

There’s an open proposal for changing subnet membership - This information is presented below:

  • red marker represents a removed node
  • green marker represents an added node
  • highlighted patches represent the country a node sits within

Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node
--- Germany Munich (mu1) q.beyond Staking Facilities ogokl-oqium-3p2bk-f3hpo-dr67s-oilge-k4jq5-z5poz-2b2oq-4wxg5-aae
+++ Belgium Antwerp (an1) Datacenter United Allusion mehhn-b5swd-urm2r-cltwk-c5tns-2s2bf-skz74-hv63o-3qdad-ubbfn-iae
Australia Queensland 1 (sc1) NEXTDC ANYPOINT PTY LTD r4dbq-jplty-hxb2n-yx4pt-dm2vf-m73ro-sqgq7-onnzn-zenvp-dleaz-mae
Switzerland Geneva 2 (ge2) SafeHost Archery Blockchain SCSp 4mm7j-dmeng-7ib4h-yvt3c-g5ed6-i5yar-rrc6w-rp7tk-ej3by-gilvv-kae
Spain Madrid 1 (ma1) Ginernet Artem Horodyskyi jj7si-b7rs7-nq7sv-npame-aec3y-2anip-ol5s6-gxbh7-kjbg2-a5u6j-rae
Croatia Zagreb 1 (zg1) Anonstake Anonstake rzm7j-37ied-ynlvt-zma7n-r4bjg-wxg2d-kr4me-ss4yr-3p5se-n4sry-wqe
Israel Tel Aviv 1 (tv1) Interhost GeoNodes LLC rfkza-27bii-6jan4-u4zll-lkvmz-snmao-irmlj-arpdd-kyxrg-xnq3a-7ae
Japan Tokyo 2 (ty2) Equinix Starbase w53hu-bdzuz-h7h75-weodb-getvj-rr766-m2rtb-bigdq-l62cj-7atxw-2ae
Korea (the Republic of) Seoul 2 (kr2) Gasan Web3game l2bzb-vpnu6-jlsae-poddg-5hpnz-bx54x-3khc2-aazpn-bop4m-zforf-uqe
Romania Bucharest (bu1) M247 Iancu Aurel vuizy-nfm5v-rapnc-rijer-hijfx-bvjrz-ccxdd-kte3v-awbnq-bdm6m-6qe
Singapore Singapore (sg1) Telin OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital l4mrq-cmo2o-ydidi-v2zit-pemyc-itm4j-qw2u3-kwzso-yz5dv-geium-pqe
Slovenia Maribor (mb1) Fractal Labs AG efdju-ef2ce-a5jdn-obybl-x6ema-h5lwv-nc2sy-v4hvc-7nltm-aldtv-6ae
Sweden Stockholm 1 (sh1) Digital Realty DFINITY Operations SA tgmtp-wy3f4-hqron-bnvc3-scclx-b7fgg-gdnc2-dwvks-dn6ao-gbqso-5ae
United States of America (the) San Jose (sj1) INAP Shelburne Ventures, LLC 7v72g-sof5q-riabw-dzefk-7p74b-wxwzs-dgvbv-rlrxx-2jpjy-zli4s-cqe

The removed node is replaced with a node based in Belgium. I’ve verified that this node is currently unassigned.

The proposal mentions that his change is needed due to the Munich (mu1) data centre being due for decommissioning. See here for more discussion and references.

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