SNS Updates: Feb 23 2024

The NNS Team will be submitting the following proposals to publish new versions of SNS canisters to SNS-WASM this Friday, 2024-02-23. DFINITY plans to vote on these proposals the following Monday.

Proposals to be Submitted


## Proposal to Publish the SNS Swap Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: swap
### Git Hash: 48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63
### New Wasm Hash: 9531eafc54069e835636011e17a19a4709a3123c6a4d2f56c58a44c3cc31e1d6
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" 6ed74ab9788e4601bbbf02ae1ce92b7f480387df..48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63 --  ./rs/sns/swap
 0560aaa455 Merge branch 'arshavir/brushing-up-after-neurons_fund_participants-field-deprecation' into 'master'
 56398a4b45 chore(sns): Clean-up after removing the legacy SNS flow
 23cfc89ded refactor: restrict the usage of unbounded channels
 2f856692e8 chore(nns,sns): Remove legacy (fixed funding-related) community fund tests
 b5d539d567 test(sns): fix typos in nns-tools
 4cb1fac3ff feat(sns): Reject TransferSnsTreasuryFunds proposal submissions if they are too big.
 2a51fb146b feat(sns): Only NNS Governance may call `SnsWasm.deploy_new_sns`; `` and legacy `SnsInitPayload` are now obsolete
 bc81e20f92 chore: upgrade `ic-stable-structures`
 320ceb16d0 test(SNS): Test swap participation when remaining direct participation amount is less than the minimal participation amount
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout 48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/sns-swap-canister.wasm.gz


## Proposal to Publish the SNS Index Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: index
### Git Hash: 48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63
### New Wasm Hash: 5ed3e211f820252ab11c063ca2f00948d13e7dd48d27cd6fcd508bec4a3b1f51
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" 046de5375825975b57ca3a6f92cd80eaf062f21a..48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63 --  ./rs/rosetta-api/icrc1
 5bbd74bc03 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): add construction payloads endpoint
 82751cdf50 Merge branch 'arshavir/fix-sns-ledgers' into 'master'
 e1c1033c74 feat(sns): Enable upgrading the SNS Ledger suite to the latest canister versions
 7b08b749bc Merge branch 'FI-1076-add-account-balance-endpoint' into 'master'
 f88aa942dc feat(ICRC-Rosetta): Add account balance endpoint
 b91757593a feat(ICRC-Rosetta): continuously fetch blocks in the background
 8b23575036 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): Add construction/hash endpoint
 76fa8a0d49 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): add construction/combine endpoint
 723633729d feat(ICRC-Rosetta) add construction submit endpoint
 25c7165e6b chore(Rosetta): handle serde_json metadata conversion errors
 f3d614b6e3 chore: rename ic00_types to management_canister_types
 170c5bd4b2 chore: bump Rust version to `1.76.0`
 aae3e2f9ff Merge branch 'maciej-rosetta-error' into 'master'
 de8208fa6e chore(icrc-rosetta): change error handling in rosetta client, replace reqwest::Error with icrc-rosetta Error
 58674f210e build: upgrade tokio and tracing versions
 a324b6c5f2 Merge branch 'abk/run-897-combine-launcher-crate' into 'master'
 15418fb445 chore(RUN-897): Combine launcher binary with sandbox crate
 b669077b26 feat(icrc): Add more controllers to archive spawned by ledger
 bc81e20f92 chore: upgrade `ic-stable-structures`
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout 48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/ic-icrc1-index-ng.wasm.gz


## Proposal to Publish the SNS Ledger Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: ledger
### Git Hash: 48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63
### New Wasm Hash: af8fc1469e553ac90f704521a97a1e3545c2b68049b4618a6549171b4ea4fba8
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" f99495f3772d5a85d25ef5008179b49a5f12c5c2..48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63 --  ./rs/rosetta-api/icrc1 ./rs/rosetta-api/ledger_core ./rs/rosetta-api/ledger_canister_core
 5bbd74bc03 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): add construction payloads endpoint
 82751cdf50 Merge branch 'arshavir/fix-sns-ledgers' into 'master'
 e1c1033c74 feat(sns): Enable upgrading the SNS Ledger suite to the latest canister versions
 7b08b749bc Merge branch 'FI-1076-add-account-balance-endpoint' into 'master'
 f88aa942dc feat(ICRC-Rosetta): Add account balance endpoint
 b91757593a feat(ICRC-Rosetta): continuously fetch blocks in the background
 8b23575036 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): Add construction/hash endpoint
 76fa8a0d49 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): add construction/combine endpoint
 723633729d feat(ICRC-Rosetta) add construction submit endpoint
 25c7165e6b chore(Rosetta): handle serde_json metadata conversion errors
 f3d614b6e3 chore: rename ic00_types to management_canister_types
 170c5bd4b2 chore: bump Rust version to `1.76.0`
 aae3e2f9ff Merge branch 'maciej-rosetta-error' into 'master'
 de8208fa6e chore(icrc-rosetta): change error handling in rosetta client, replace reqwest::Error with icrc-rosetta Error
 58674f210e build: upgrade tokio and tracing versions
 a324b6c5f2 Merge branch 'abk/run-897-combine-launcher-crate' into 'master'
 15418fb445 chore(RUN-897): Combine launcher binary with sandbox crate
 b669077b26 feat(icrc): Add more controllers to archive spawned by ledger
 bc81e20f92 chore: upgrade `ic-stable-structures`
 36e47eca3c Merge branch 'mathias-FI-1159-mark-icrc-rosetta-integration-tests-as-flaky' into 'master'
 65160e9d0e test(icrc_rosetta): FI-1159: Mark icrc_rosetta_integration tests as flaky
 4a394d96d9 test(rosetta): FI-1159: Address rosetta test flakiness
 547698dbf5 feat(icrc_ledger): ICRC-2 always enabled
 3831d14583 feat(FI-1066): Insert account balance table
 244d74d34e feat(icrc_rosetta): impl ToSql and FromSql for RosettaToken
 bb5d26ecdb Merge branch 'FI-1134-rosetta-core-for-construction-combine' into 'master'
 d3adf4958f feat(FI-1134)[ICRC Rosetta] Rosetta core for construction combine
 2c30c7ac88 feat(FI-1114): [ICRC Rosetta] Property based testing
 85eb8611e8 Merge branch 'rumenov/cddk' into 'master'
 c25c7462b2 build: cddl upgrade
 fbcfbd5e31 feat(ckerc20): PoC for a ledger suite orchestrator canister
 fa6adacec4 Merge branch 'mk/bazel_ic_test2' into 'master'
 40db11f8e0 Chore: Move sandbox env declarations to a common place
 a8f0d7f61b build: upgrade candid to 0.10
 cbe18ac555 feast(FI-1116): [ICRC Rosetta]
 bc7546d27d feat(FI-1116) [ICRC Rosetta] Part 2 of FI-1116
 3020248f96 feat(FI-1116) [ICRC Rosetta] Part 1 of FI-1116
 fbe9c6e972 feat(FI-1118): [ICRC Rosetta] Construction metadata endpoint
 e69d68ca69 Merge branch 'FI-1117-rosetta-core-for-construction-metadata-endpoint' into 'master'
 df13c83f1f feat(FI-1117)[ICRC Rosetta] moved construction metadata
 b835f6ebb2 chore: bump Rust version to 1.75
 3366a58ece feat(FI-1099): /construction/derive implementation for icrc rosetta
 ee569520f7 Merge branch 'FI-1111-construction-preprocess-service' into 'master'
 81de3986f3 feat(FI-1111): [ICRC-1 Rosetta] Construction preprocess endpoint
 b81a5d8f40 Merge branch 'FI-1069-use-big-uint-for-rosetta-storage' into 'master'
 1bed24caac feat(FI-1069): [ICRC Rosetta] Use big uint for rosetta storage
 6e9c3da68e fix(index-ng): Simplify the timer structure
 04bd60ce42 test(icrc1_ledger): FI-1095: Adding tests to verify written ledger blocks
 2310ee2fc5 feat(FI-1073): icrc-rosetta: /mempool/transaction endpoint
 b951d6d705 feat(1097): [ICRC Rosetta] separated system test from integration test
 1446a38f1a fix(icrc1_ledger): include spender in Burn block
 79a63b3eaf Merge branch 'FI-1088-move-block-endpoint-to-data-api' into 'master'
 bcd37603c8 feat(FI-1088): [ICRC Rosetta] Moved block and mempool endpoints to data api
 dced7733d9 feat(FI-1074) [ICRC-1 Rosetta] converted principal based valid blockchain strategy to basicidentity
 ec84a86378 feat(FI-1084) [ICRC Rosetta] rosetta_core for block/transaction
 d0de801df7 Merge branch 'sat-bazel-crates-version-bump' into 'master'
 a163262f11 chore(release): Bump up the bazel versions for all crates as well
 4264a0524b Merge branch 'maciej-emptysetcert' into 'master'
 70df46734c fix(icrc1-ledger): set certified data on init
 d3d60d3621 feat(FI-1082) [ICRC Rosetta] Rosetta core for block endpoint
 08ad13ecbe Merge branch 'maciej-rostipver' into 'master'
 126362c778 feat(FI-1051): use icrc1 agent lib to verify chain tip in rosetta
 a4f9f0b0d1 Merge branch 'FI-992' into 'master'
 c603a7f14a feat(icrc_index_ng): read ledger_id from old index state in post_upgrade
 63a3c965c3 feat(FI-1080) Rosetta core for network status endpoint
 f94e435f25 feat(FI-1077) [ICRC Rosetta] Rosetta core crate for network options endpoint
 d9a194f219 feat(FI-1070): [ICRC Rosetta] Rosetta core package for network list endpoint
 129d64eb43 feat(FI-1068): icrc-rosetta: /mempool endpoint
 efe66d16e3 refactor(crypto): CRP-2289: make reqwest use rustls instead of openssl
 ac92ac4bbf chore: bump rust to 1.74
 a050651ece feat(FI-1063): icrc-rosetta: speed up rosetta startup with existing database
 d0d02d41a8 build: fix few build dependencies
 a75257652d (BOUN-959) Bump up the ic-agent version
 5ae303770f chore: bump rust to 1.73
 a9376e18ee feat(FI-1054): icrc-rosetta: switching amount, expected_allowance and fee to TEXT
 5c83425b01 feat(FI-1014): Add /block/transaction
 77a32d4556 feat(FI-995): Add /block endpoint
 8b6c8d1b0f feat(release): Introduce workspace version
 db296cc9ed RUN-819: Upgrade `wasmtime` to version 13.0.1
 ab8783a919 refactor(IDX-3017): move serde to the workspace.
 87ee79c9d3 feat(FI-1020): add account to account data at Approve
 33b4bbbfd8 RUN-810: Switch `CanisterId::new` to infallable `CanisterId::unchecked_from_principal`
 c414b2cc69 fix(icrc1-ledger): block encoding for large integers
 5e13ca983a fix(icrc1-ledger): fix metrics panic for u256 tokens
 301f5f2f4d build: use the tokio version from the workspace
 d9b130e292 feat(FI-1019): fix deleting of accounts in icrc1 index
 7ff5330995 Merge branch 'FI-1013-handle-unknown-accounts-in-icrc-1-index-canister' into 'master'
 be9bfb38f2 fix(ICRC-1 index): handling of unknown accounts
 11c70fec09 feat(FI-1001): Sync ledger metadata into table
 dc5d8cfec5 Merge branch 'maciej-testarrival' into 'master'
 c0379f185f chore(icrc): icrc2: test arrival_queue for allowances is the same size as allowances map
 023ef01704 feat: Icrc-ledger-types 0.1.3
 36fe305f43 feat: add ICRC-3 value schema validator
 6769e31836 chore: use path for icrc-ledger-types
 cfe9a267a1 chore(icrc): move client and client-cdk libraries to packages
 bfd86f9f20 feat(FI-966): Add network status endpoint to ICRC Rosetta
 a95ed52069 fix(icrc): update arrive_at time in the arrival_queue for approvals
 fdffb2bad4 refactor: run cargo clippy fix on the repository
 a09de2208e feat(icrc1): changing expires_at from Timestamp to u64
 78836a179a chore: use the global workspace for the version of the futures crate
 dd3aee4eeb feat(FI-936): Add Proptest fields to TransferArgs
 f70aae269c Chore: Fix remaining typos in ic/rs folder.
 24756e23a5 chore(icrc1): use BlockIndex and Timestamp in the ledger.did file
 cacbdd8d16 fix(index-ng) Use last fee if no fee found
 68c57d1242 Update gazelle, go and buildifier toolchains.
 a53e3fcfa2 upgrade tokio to the 1.32.x LTS release
 3c747a2873 fix: effective_fee in approve blocks and add approve to index-ng tests
 0ecb948723 chore: Update links to interface spec
 da4badeca4 Merge branch 'leo-fix-did' into 'master'
 2f8973e7d8 feat(FI) Improve interface check [override-didc-check]
 385d7aca7f fix: fix index-ng testing strategies
 dcb61b829a chore: bump candid to 0.9
 bfa88bb37c feat(icp_ledger): switch icp and icrc1 ledgers to use BTreeMap for account balances
 dcf13de946 chore: Clean up unused deps, part 2
 decc21be7e feat(icp_ledger): Add transfer_from endpoint to the ICP ledger
 6a69eb719d feat(FI-878): prune approvals according to their age
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout 48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/ic-icrc1-ledger.wasm.gz


## Proposal to Publish the SNS Archive Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: archive
### Git Hash: 48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63
### New Wasm Hash: e691826056ac4ba1f95ebb9e24d06d6e787d4cb66fd36cb356358637d5041f49
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" f99495f3772d5a85d25ef5008179b49a5f12c5c2..48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63 --  ./rs/rosetta-api/icrc1
 5bbd74bc03 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): add construction payloads endpoint
 82751cdf50 Merge branch 'arshavir/fix-sns-ledgers' into 'master'
 e1c1033c74 feat(sns): Enable upgrading the SNS Ledger suite to the latest canister versions
 7b08b749bc Merge branch 'FI-1076-add-account-balance-endpoint' into 'master'
 f88aa942dc feat(ICRC-Rosetta): Add account balance endpoint
 b91757593a feat(ICRC-Rosetta): continuously fetch blocks in the background
 8b23575036 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): Add construction/hash endpoint
 76fa8a0d49 feat(ICRC-Rosetta): add construction/combine endpoint
 723633729d feat(ICRC-Rosetta) add construction submit endpoint
 25c7165e6b chore(Rosetta): handle serde_json metadata conversion errors
 f3d614b6e3 chore: rename ic00_types to management_canister_types
 170c5bd4b2 chore: bump Rust version to `1.76.0`
 aae3e2f9ff Merge branch 'maciej-rosetta-error' into 'master'
 de8208fa6e chore(icrc-rosetta): change error handling in rosetta client, replace reqwest::Error with icrc-rosetta Error
 58674f210e build: upgrade tokio and tracing versions
 a324b6c5f2 Merge branch 'abk/run-897-combine-launcher-crate' into 'master'
 15418fb445 chore(RUN-897): Combine launcher binary with sandbox crate
 b669077b26 feat(icrc): Add more controllers to archive spawned by ledger
 bc81e20f92 chore: upgrade `ic-stable-structures`
 36e47eca3c Merge branch 'mathias-FI-1159-mark-icrc-rosetta-integration-tests-as-flaky' into 'master'
 65160e9d0e test(icrc_rosetta): FI-1159: Mark icrc_rosetta_integration tests as flaky
 4a394d96d9 test(rosetta): FI-1159: Address rosetta test flakiness
 547698dbf5 feat(icrc_ledger): ICRC-2 always enabled
 3831d14583 feat(FI-1066): Insert account balance table
 244d74d34e feat(icrc_rosetta): impl ToSql and FromSql for RosettaToken
 bb5d26ecdb Merge branch 'FI-1134-rosetta-core-for-construction-combine' into 'master'
 d3adf4958f feat(FI-1134)[ICRC Rosetta] Rosetta core for construction combine
 2c30c7ac88 feat(FI-1114): [ICRC Rosetta] Property based testing
 85eb8611e8 Merge branch 'rumenov/cddk' into 'master'
 c25c7462b2 build: cddl upgrade
 fbcfbd5e31 feat(ckerc20): PoC for a ledger suite orchestrator canister
 fa6adacec4 Merge branch 'mk/bazel_ic_test2' into 'master'
 40db11f8e0 Chore: Move sandbox env declarations to a common place
 a8f0d7f61b build: upgrade candid to 0.10
 cbe18ac555 feast(FI-1116): [ICRC Rosetta]
 bc7546d27d feat(FI-1116) [ICRC Rosetta] Part 2 of FI-1116
 3020248f96 feat(FI-1116) [ICRC Rosetta] Part 1 of FI-1116
 fbe9c6e972 feat(FI-1118): [ICRC Rosetta] Construction metadata endpoint
 e69d68ca69 Merge branch 'FI-1117-rosetta-core-for-construction-metadata-endpoint' into 'master'
 df13c83f1f feat(FI-1117)[ICRC Rosetta] moved construction metadata
 b835f6ebb2 chore: bump Rust version to 1.75
 3366a58ece feat(FI-1099): /construction/derive implementation for icrc rosetta
 ee569520f7 Merge branch 'FI-1111-construction-preprocess-service' into 'master'
 81de3986f3 feat(FI-1111): [ICRC-1 Rosetta] Construction preprocess endpoint
 b81a5d8f40 Merge branch 'FI-1069-use-big-uint-for-rosetta-storage' into 'master'
 1bed24caac feat(FI-1069): [ICRC Rosetta] Use big uint for rosetta storage
 6e9c3da68e fix(index-ng): Simplify the timer structure
 04bd60ce42 test(icrc1_ledger): FI-1095: Adding tests to verify written ledger blocks
 2310ee2fc5 feat(FI-1073): icrc-rosetta: /mempool/transaction endpoint
 b951d6d705 feat(1097): [ICRC Rosetta] separated system test from integration test
 1446a38f1a fix(icrc1_ledger): include spender in Burn block
 79a63b3eaf Merge branch 'FI-1088-move-block-endpoint-to-data-api' into 'master'
 bcd37603c8 feat(FI-1088): [ICRC Rosetta] Moved block and mempool endpoints to data api
 dced7733d9 feat(FI-1074) [ICRC-1 Rosetta] converted principal based valid blockchain strategy to basicidentity
 ec84a86378 feat(FI-1084) [ICRC Rosetta] rosetta_core for block/transaction
 d0de801df7 Merge branch 'sat-bazel-crates-version-bump' into 'master'
 a163262f11 chore(release): Bump up the bazel versions for all crates as well
 4264a0524b Merge branch 'maciej-emptysetcert' into 'master'
 70df46734c fix(icrc1-ledger): set certified data on init
 d3d60d3621 feat(FI-1082) [ICRC Rosetta] Rosetta core for block endpoint
 08ad13ecbe Merge branch 'maciej-rostipver' into 'master'
 126362c778 feat(FI-1051): use icrc1 agent lib to verify chain tip in rosetta
 a4f9f0b0d1 Merge branch 'FI-992' into 'master'
 c603a7f14a feat(icrc_index_ng): read ledger_id from old index state in post_upgrade
 63a3c965c3 feat(FI-1080) Rosetta core for network status endpoint
 f94e435f25 feat(FI-1077) [ICRC Rosetta] Rosetta core crate for network options endpoint
 d9a194f219 feat(FI-1070): [ICRC Rosetta] Rosetta core package for network list endpoint
 129d64eb43 feat(FI-1068): icrc-rosetta: /mempool endpoint
 efe66d16e3 refactor(crypto): CRP-2289: make reqwest use rustls instead of openssl
 ac92ac4bbf chore: bump rust to 1.74
 a050651ece feat(FI-1063): icrc-rosetta: speed up rosetta startup with existing database
 d0d02d41a8 build: fix few build dependencies
 a75257652d (BOUN-959) Bump up the ic-agent version
 5ae303770f chore: bump rust to 1.73
 a9376e18ee feat(FI-1054): icrc-rosetta: switching amount, expected_allowance and fee to TEXT
 5c83425b01 feat(FI-1014): Add /block/transaction
 77a32d4556 feat(FI-995): Add /block endpoint
 8b6c8d1b0f feat(release): Introduce workspace version
 db296cc9ed RUN-819: Upgrade `wasmtime` to version 13.0.1
 ab8783a919 refactor(IDX-3017): move serde to the workspace.
 87ee79c9d3 feat(FI-1020): add account to account data at Approve
 33b4bbbfd8 RUN-810: Switch `CanisterId::new` to infallable `CanisterId::unchecked_from_principal`
 c414b2cc69 fix(icrc1-ledger): block encoding for large integers
 5e13ca983a fix(icrc1-ledger): fix metrics panic for u256 tokens
 301f5f2f4d build: use the tokio version from the workspace
 d9b130e292 feat(FI-1019): fix deleting of accounts in icrc1 index
 7ff5330995 Merge branch 'FI-1013-handle-unknown-accounts-in-icrc-1-index-canister' into 'master'
 be9bfb38f2 fix(ICRC-1 index): handling of unknown accounts
 11c70fec09 feat(FI-1001): Sync ledger metadata into table
 023ef01704 feat: Icrc-ledger-types 0.1.3
 36fe305f43 feat: add ICRC-3 value schema validator
 6769e31836 chore: use path for icrc-ledger-types
 cfe9a267a1 chore(icrc): move client and client-cdk libraries to packages
 bfd86f9f20 feat(FI-966): Add network status endpoint to ICRC Rosetta
 fdffb2bad4 refactor: run cargo clippy fix on the repository
 a09de2208e feat(icrc1): changing expires_at from Timestamp to u64
 78836a179a chore: use the global workspace for the version of the futures crate
 dd3aee4eeb feat(FI-936): Add Proptest fields to TransferArgs
 f70aae269c Chore: Fix remaining typos in ic/rs folder.
 24756e23a5 chore(icrc1): use BlockIndex and Timestamp in the ledger.did file
 cacbdd8d16 fix(index-ng) Use last fee if no fee found
 68c57d1242 Update gazelle, go and buildifier toolchains.
 a53e3fcfa2 upgrade tokio to the 1.32.x LTS release
 3c747a2873 fix: effective_fee in approve blocks and add approve to index-ng tests
 0ecb948723 chore: Update links to interface spec
 da4badeca4 Merge branch 'leo-fix-did' into 'master'
 2f8973e7d8 feat(FI) Improve interface check [override-didc-check]
 385d7aca7f fix: fix index-ng testing strategies
 dcb61b829a chore: bump candid to 0.9
 bfa88bb37c feat(icp_ledger): switch icp and icrc1 ledgers to use BTreeMap for account balances
 decc21be7e feat(icp_ledger): Add transfer_from endpoint to the ICP ledger
 6a69eb719d feat(FI-878): prune approvals according to their age
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout 48e7e1f072c259810236488ff770c809f362fb63
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/ic-icrc1-archive.wasm.gz