Short update on recent DFINITY voting

Hi all,

I would like to give you a short update explaining the reasoning for the voting of DFINITY on two recent motion proposals:

ProposalTesting NNS proposal online form | Motion (

  • This proposal is a functional test for a new dapp which facilitates the submission of proposals for users who are seeking an alternative to a command line interface.
  • The proposal is not a proposed change to the NNS. For this reason we decided to vote no.
  • Regardless of the vote, we believe that the dapp itself is a good idea, opening up participation in the NNS to further users.
  • We note that under next steps, the author indicates “After a successful test of a governance motion proposal, I’ll make another proposal to test the “register known neuron” proposal type.”. In order to save the 10 ICP rejection fee, it might be worth considering doing a real known neuron submission (and beforehand we could review the submission string in the forum).

ProposalSubmission by dApp Early Adopter | Motion (

  • Similar reasoning as above.
  • This proposal is a test, but not an actual proposed change to the NNS.