Shopify/E-commerce on ICP?

How does Juno solve that?

I have read through the comments here as I have been wanting to run the first, or one of the first, real stores on the IC. I have a large (relatively) BigCommerce store with 8,500 products and I have made 500,000 online sales in my life. Picked and packed and shipped 500,000.

I want this as a hobby and proof of concept. I’ve attempted to encourage crypto payments since 2015 on my site. I’m just generally interested.

I would be happy with a catalog type store without much in regards to anything but a search and checkout.
I am not a dev. Are devs for hire around here? I don’t even need paid in fiat at the end here.


An ICP integration could be a game-changer, offering a more cost-effective way to handle transactions while keeping all your data sovereign. It’s like having your own custom-built e-commerce castle, independent of any walled gardens.