Secure query access by password

I need something like password secured access to specific query.
I want to generate/create a password in order to secure access to specific forms.
Let’s say we have a list of users with emails and the password is delivered to them (password could have expiration date). User with password should be able to access the resource.
Is it possible to easy integrate this kind of functionality? Is there any option to send emails to users?
Maybe it’s not really necessary - is it better to leave this idea and use only allow/deny list of users (Internet Identity)?

Also I have general question:
Are messages/queries on ICP encrypted?

Native email is not supported, but maybe dmail (a project in ICP land) has some functionality for it?

Yes, you can check principals in query messages as well. I would go this route

Depends on what you’re exactly asking. TLS terminates at the boundary nodes, but AFAIK messages are encrypted when being transmitted between nodes. However, the nodes (including boundary nodes) themselves can see the messages

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You can use tweetnacl library to encrypt data, or other similar libraries to encrypt and decrypt between frontend and backend:

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