This Topic is to discuss Role Rotator Plug-in for SNS and DAO governance.
The Role Roator is the first governance plug-in to take advantage of ICRC-75 and ICRC-104
Reference Motoko Module: GitHub - icdevsorg/af-role-rotator: RoleRotator is a Motoko library that provides functionality to rotate roles (or list memberships) within an ICRC-75 compliant membership list.
Mops: Mops • Motoko Package Manager
Sample Dapp: (A Role Rotator manages the org.icdevs.lists.king_of_the_hill list, note the canister as admin)
You can change the king of the hill by calling the icrc104_apply_rule endpoint(allowed once every 3 minutes from the anon principal at with:
icrc75Canister = "nn7ao-eiaaa-aaaap-akjoq-cai";
target_list = "org.icdevs.lists.king_of_the_hill"; // The list to apply rules on
rule_namespace: "org.icdevs.role_rotator.king"; // Namespace identifying the rule set to apply
//other values can be null
Doing so will swap out the king of the hill for one of the items on the cool kids list.
- Simple class-based implementation. Super easy to add to a governance canister:
import RoleRotator ".";
private func qualify(foundMembers: [ListItem], event: ICRC104.HandleRuleEvent, bAwaited: Bool) : async* RoleRotator.QualifyFunctionResponse {
if( < lastCall + (ONE_MINUTE * 3)){
return #err(#trappable(#apply(#Err(#ExecutionFailed("You must wait 3 minutes between calls")))));
return #trappable(foundMembers);
var _role_rotator : ?RoleRotator.RoleRotator = null;
public shared(msg) func auto_init() : async() {
D.print("in auto_init");
for(thisStandard in icrc104().supported_standards().vals()){
ICRC10.register(icrc10, thisStandard);
_role_rotator := ?RoleRotator.RoleRotator({
canister = Principal.fromActor(this);
icrc75 = null;
icrc104 = icrc104();
validator = null;
qualifyFunction = ?qualify;
ruleNamespace = "org.icdevs.role_rotator.king";
eligibleList = "org.icdevs.lists.cool_kids";
Potential use cases:
- Rotate out a principal on a multi-sig list if it doesn’t sign at least every X Days.
- Randomly choose a sub-set to get an airdrop
- Pick a value out of a set of possibilities that rotates every X Minutes.
- Deadman switches for identities that get executive permissions on DAO Dapps and services.
- Time-based role assignments (Every three months swap out three DAO members on the grant allocation committee)
- Attention Based Lotto
- Leaderboard based promotions
- Mentor Assignment for new DAO members