Rewriting the svelte code in rust for ic project

i am having this svelte icp project where collections file uses most data from icp :

i am rewriting this code in rust, where i have added all did files, generated them indde canister folder and uses state for cans auth:
i want to use the data that is collection metadata in the file in rust , i need help discussing how can i use the did files and state and canister folder code to fetch the data from it and use in collections.

rust project:fuel-dao-frontend-rs/src/pages/ at main · Fuel-DAO/fuel-dao-frontend-rs · GitHub

You should be able to generate Rust types from Candid by using ic-cdk-bindgen.
Refer to this example.

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If both communicating canisters are implemented in Rust, it’s also possible to maximize Rust’s functionality by sharing types through a interface crate, without directly involving any candid file.
example: ic-auth-client-rs/examples/leptos-tailwind at main · wiyota/ic-auth-client-rs · GitHub

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