Request for Comment: Public & Private NNS Neurons

Do I understand correctly that you can only follow public neurons? I think this is a big consequence that may not be sufficiently clear to everybody.

This is not included in the feature we are discussing in this motion proposal. It is something that we were brainstorming about as a future step, but then we would of course present a more detailed design and discuss this feature again with the community.

Independently from this features, it is suggested to work on periodic confirmation of following (see the current idea here). I think a better moment to discuss whether following should be limited to public neurons is after we have periodic confirmation and learned how this would work (which will already reset some following).

What happens when I follow a public neuron that then chooses to become private? Would I not follow anymore?
If we make all non-known-neurons private, does that mean all following for neurons that are not registered as known neurons is reset?

To avoid misunderstandings, let me repeat that the current feature would not influence following at all and nothing would be reset.