I try to convert an array, a buffer, to a variant tree. In JavaScript I would .reduce()
it but I cannot wrap my head around how I should solve that in Motoko.
Anyone has maybe an example to share that show how to reduce a Buffer?
// The types
module {
public type Hash = Blob;
public type Key = Blob;
public type Value = Blob;
public type HashTree = {
#pruned : Hash;
#fork : (HashTree, HashTree);
#labeled : (Key, HashTree);
#leaf : Value;
// What I am trying to do
public query func say() : async HashTree {
let tmp = Buffer.Buffer<(HashKey, HashTree)>(1);
tmp.add((Text.encodeUtf8("a"), #empty));
tmp.add((Text.encodeUtf8("b"), #empty));
let labeled = Buffer.Buffer<HashTree>(1);
for (val in tmp.vals()) {
labeled.add(#labeled val);
// What I try to achieve dynamically
let goal = #labeled(
#labeled ("/a",
#leaf (Text.encodeUtf8("a"))
#labeled ("/b",
#leaf (Text.encodeUtf8("b"))
#labeled ("/c",
#leaf (Text.encodeUtf8("c"))
return #labeled(
labeled.vals(), // <-- here I get lost!??!
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