Reading wasm module blob in Nodejs


I’m trying to call install_code function from Nodejs. For that i’m reading wasm file as below,

const wasm = fs.readFileSync("<file_name>.wasm")
Then invoke the method by passing […new Uint8Array(wasm)].

But my request rejects with
Reject code: 4
Reject text: Canister trapped explicitly: IDL error: word read out of buffer

Any help!

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Could you please provide more details on how you actually invoke the method. The more code you can provide the better.

Thank you for the quick response!

Nodejs code for motoko canister call

const idlFactory = ({ IDL }) => {
    const Key = IDL.Text;
    const Value = IDL.Record({ 'age' : IDL.Int, 'name' : IDL.Text });
    return IDL.Service({
      'upgradesub' : IDL.Func([IDL.Vec(IDL.Nat8), IDL.Vec(IDL.Nat8)], [], []),

const testaudit = createActor(canisterId, {
    agentOptions: { host: "http://localhost:8000",}

let updateSubCanisters = async () => {
    const wasm = fs.readFileSync("./../../.dfx/local/canisters/testaudit/testaudit.wasm")
    const res = await testaudit.upgradesub([ Uint8Array(wasm)], [ 
    Uint8Array(Buffer.from("Xep"))]).catch(e => { return "Error" + e });
    return res;

Motoko canister function

 public func upgradesub(wasm: Blob, args: Blob) : async () {
    Debug.print("upgrade_sub: ");
      for ((key, bucket) in buckets.entries()) {
        let principal = Principal.fromActor(bucket);
        let status = await IC.canister_status({canister_id=principal});
        Debug.print("cycles: " # Nat.toText(status.cycles));
        await IC.stop_canister({canister_id=principal});
        await IC.install_code({canister_id=principal; mode=#upgrade; wasm_module=wasm; arg=args});
        await IC.start_canister({canister_id=principal});

This is the response I’m getting

The given bytes are a valid wasm module
ErrorError: Call was rejected:
  Request ID: 2ae15b8f3ec0d64659e4d44968f329341985866e6448e6c8a1660b2b6f1580da
  Reject code: 4
  Reject text: Canister <canister-id> trapped explicitly: IDL error: word read out of buffer

I read my buffer needs to encode in Candid data format, But I don’t know how to do it.

Yes, there is an error.

const res = await testaudit.upgradesub([ Uint8Array(wasm)], [ 
    Uint8Array(Buffer.from("Xep"))]).catch(e => { return "Error" + e });

Args should be candid-encoded, not plain text.

I don’t know your interfaces, but basically you have to use IDL.encode() function. For example, if your init canister function takes a Text as an argument, on js side you should encode it like:

const args = Array.from(IDL.encode([IDL.Text], ["Xep"]));

and then use it like this:

const res = await testaudit.upgradesub([ Uint8Array(wasm)], args);

I might make a mistake, but it seems like a right direction to look for an error.


It changed the previous error. I updated my Nodejs function as below,

let updateSubCanisters = async () => {
    const wasm = fs.readFileSync("./../../.dfx/local/canisters/testaudit/testaudit.wasm")
    const args = Array.from(IDL.encode([IDL.Text], ["Xep"]));
    const res = await testaudit.upgradesub([ Uint8Array(wasm)], args).catch(e => { return "Error" + e });
    return res;

args print output

  68,  73, 68, 76, 0,
   3, 113,  1, 88

And now I’m receiving following error

[ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

I’m trying to update my dynamic canisters initiated by canister via main canister.

actor {
    type Org = orgs.Org;
    type Key = Text;
    type Value = person.Person;
    let IC : ICType.Self = actor "aaaaa-aa";

    stable var entries : [(Text, Org)] = [];

    let buckets = Map.fromIter<Text,Org>(entries.vals(), 10, Text.equal, Text.hash);

    public func put(o: Text, k : Key, v : Value) : async () {
        let bucket = switch (buckets.get(o)) {
        case null {
            // provision next send, 
            let b = await orgs.Org(o); // dynamically install a new Bucket
            buckets.put(o, b);
        case (?bucket) bucket;
        await bucket.put(k, v);

  public func upgradesub(wasm: Blob, args: Blob) : async () {
    Debug.print("upgrade_sub: ");
      for ((key, bucket) in buckets.entries()) {
        let principal = Principal.fromActor(bucket);
        let status = await IC.canister_status({canister_id=principal});
        Debug.print("cycles: " # Nat.toText(status.cycles));
        await IC.stop_canister({canister_id=principal});
        await IC.install_code({canister_id=principal; mode=#upgrade; wasm_module=wasm; arg=args});
        await IC.start_canister({canister_id=principal});
  }; canister

actor class Org(n : Text) {

Any idea what I’m missing here. Appreciate your help.



print something?

Looks like one of your variables is undefined.

Updated as below

let updateSubCanisters = async () => {
    const wasm = fs.readFileSync("./../../.dfx/local/canisters/testaudit/testaudit.wasm")
    var valid = WebAssembly.validate(new Uint8Array(wasm));
    console.log("The given bytes are " + (valid ? "" : "not ") + "a valid wasm module");
    const args = Array.from(IDL.encode([IDL.Text], ["Xep"]));
    const res = await testaudit.upgradesub([ Uint8Array(wasm)], args).catch(e => { return "Error" + e });
    return res;


The given bytes are a valid wasm module
<Buffer 00 61 73 6d 01 00 00 00 01 ee 81 80 80 00 26 60 02 7f 7f 00 60 01 7e 00 60 08 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 00 60 00 01 7f 60 00 01 7e 60 03 7f 7f 7f 00 60 ... 435195 more bytes>
   68,  73, 68, 76,   0,
    1, 113,  3, 88, 101,


It is still under development, that’s why my code is still in a branch, but i’ve got a working example: deckdeckgo/ic.installcode.mjs at build/install-code · deckgo/deckdeckgo · GitHub

For me the tricks was

  1. be sure that the local candid description is up-to-date
  2. encode the canister parameters as candid parameters (thread)

Not sure it is your error but maybe by comparing you will notice something. Hope it helps.

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It has what I want to do. I’ll follow the repo. Thanks for the help!

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I went through the code, I was able to do my requirement. But I like to do an improvement, In the below code owner is parsed as a parameter from the outside. Can I use some Text data inside the canister as an argument?.

public func installCode(canisterId: Principal, owner: Blob, wasmModule: Blob): async() {
            await ic.install_code({
                arg = owner;
                wasm_module = wasmModule;
                mode = #upgrade;
                canister_id = canisterId;


private stable var owner : Text= "me";
public func installCode(canisterId: Principal, wasmModule: Blob): async() {
            await ic.install_code({
                arg = text_to_candid_encode_blob(owner); <---- requirement
                wasm_module = wasmModule;
                mode = #upgrade;
                canister_id = canisterId;


It’s an on-going PR. The parameter owner: Blob should actually be renamed to something like “any args”.

public func installCode(canisterId: Principal, anyArgs: Blob, wasmModule: Blob): async() {

These args are encoded in the JS code.

There I guess yes in the JS code you can extend the code or modify the code to pass the parameters you want, those needed by your canister.


Hi all, I faced the same issue as above when passing the parameters for install_code method to upgrade canisters using NodeJs.

let updateSubCanisters = async () => {
    const wasm = fs.readFileSync("./../../.dfx/local/canisters/testaudit/testaudit.wasm")
   // const args = Array.from(IDL.encode([IDL.Text], ["Xep"])); <---- instead of Array use Uint8Array as below
    const args = [... new Uint8Array(IDL.encode([IDL.Text], ["Xep"]))];
    const res = await testaudit.upgradesub(
  [ Uint8Array(wasm)], 
).catch(e => { return "Error" + e });
    return res;

The problem here is that a simple array is treated as Candid [Nat8] and Uint8Array is treated as a Candid Blob data type respectively.