Questions for a Possible Cross Chain Collaboration

Hello all,

My name is Johnathan, I’ve been a member of the IC community (for better or worse) since May 2021. Some of you may remember me off of IC media platforms like Distirkt or DSCVR. Some of you may only know me from heated conversations here on the forum (that spiraled out of control). Some of you may not know me at all. That’s fine too…

I’ve come to the forum today raising a “white flag” of sorts, hoping to create/ continue to nourish a small olive branch between two possibly (I’m not sure if they are) competing chains The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) and Salona (SOL)…

Background on me and this post:

I’ve only truly spent time inside the ICP community. For better or worse, I quickly realized investing in crypto might not be the ideal choice for me, and I’ve spent my time, “hitting the books”, and learning what Blockchain, Defi, and crypto could be used for instead. It was my interactions in this community (among others) that led me to pursue a Bachelor of Science Majoring in Software Engineering. However, throughout my educational journey, I continued developing a project I am very passionate about.

I was in the creation phase of one of my ideas/ 501©3 when I had the pleasure of sharing the concept with @skilesare

I want to pause and make a clear statement. I am not personally acquainted with, nor have I ever met, worked with, or for @skilesare. He and any others I am tagging in this post have no affiliation with me, this post, or my project(s) beyond them being kind enough to talk with me. I do not want any of this to be seen as an attempt to use their name/platform for an audience grab. I’m only using members I know, who are reputable, active in the community/ forum, and are just kind humans.

What is, “the Olive Branch” I speak of?:

It was during this small conversation that he mentioned seeing the Water Dao project at a conference. Immediately, I began looking into, and have become infatuated with the project and developing team behind the concept. It was extremely similar to the concept(s) I am developing/ working on for my project (release date TBD). I reached out to their leadership team using the Messaging Platform Discord. It was there I had the pleasure of talking with an individual/ CEO of ecoToken James ecoToken.

James is taking the lead on a project called ecoToken. ecoToken (at the moment) is enabled on SOL. However, the team signaled a willingness to collaborate with me, and my attempt to enable what they coined as, ecocredits here on the IC as well.

Now, we all know by now, I’m not a fan of using anything that may stir up “Big Brother”, or “Uncle Sam/Dom”. However, in the case of the ecoToken, and their project initiatives, I truly believe it has the potential to benefit SOL the IC, and “Uncle Sam/Dom” all while letting Big Brother watch in the corner.

How can this, “Olive Branch” address such monumental issues?:

Here we have a project(s) aimed at solving some of the world’s biggest obstacles. Some might think it’s a “pipe dream” much like, “curing cancer”. Great in spirit, not great in practice. To them, I ask the following… First, why are you on/ build/ at the IC? You believe in (what used to be) a “pipe dream” for them. Second, I’d argue Openchat was a “pipe dream” as well. That is until they (both) manifested it to what we see today of course. Look at them go boi. Here we have solutions (again) being created to address and manifest the “pipe dream”. Here we can fund pipes that make dreams come true (sustainable water sources).

  1. Look at what/where the projects are funded. They’re aiming to help provide viable solutions addressing the global water crisis, specifically projects funded inside the United States. While using USDC. *Note anyone who has seen me communicate knows I (personally) am against stable coins and I’m setting that aside (not using it myself) to help them reach the IC. I’m hoping my assistance shows as a sign of good faith to everyone and their mother.
  2. So we have to ask, is Uncle Sam getting his? Check. Is Big Brother seeing it go down? Check. Is SOL getting theirs? Check. Is the IC getting theirs? We could be. Is Uncle Dom going to shut it down? How could my Uncle Dom shut down any attempt at furthering sustainable water sources/initiatives while using the IC to help get it done? That’s a rhetorical question, folks.

What can the IC do for the project?

“The IC can fix any traditional cloud-based issue using blockchain-based solutions bro”. Seriously though, if/when the IC enables ckUSDC ecoToken should be able to interact with the IC relatively easily. According to James, all their team needs is USDC or a stablecoin solution (not my friend or foe). I have nothing good to say about stablecoins. However, the world doesn’t revolve around me (yet/that I know of so far). So, I’m willing to KISS it. Yup, I’m willing to Keep it Simple Stupid ;).

I want to create a more harmonious relationship between the IC and its competitors. I’m a child born of cryptos’ love affairs. Growing up wanting a cross-chain collaboration. Not a messy Johnny Deep/Amber Heard relationship. I just want us all to get along and stop pooping in each other’s beds.

This is me (not Frank Reynolds or Amber Heard), coming to the community and asking for help to make it happen. I see a world where I finally can use my Maturity to donate to solution-based projects aiming to address specific global concerns. A world where 15,000 ICP could be raised for sustainable water, and we all know it goes towards addressing sustainable water solutions, and not to a disgruntled poorly timed staker.

Who am I asking to help?:

Well, this post is open for feedback from anyone. However, I’m going to add a few people I would like to see help James and his team interact with the IC. I truly want to push for/create a cross-chain collaboration. I want us all to see what can happen when competing forces have a group of like-minded individuals bring them together for the love of humanity and science.

Actionable steps:

1. Reach out/ have the right people reach out to James via Discord
2. Help James and the ecoToken enable eco credits on the IC 
3. Possible grant Funding Opportunities. 
4. Help James understand if the IC is capable of withstanding his project. 
5. Facilitate any cross-chain conversation that may be had
6. Make it so we can use our voting rewards as taxable donations toward sustainable water solutions. 
7. Help make it possible to get donations "in the right hands". 
8. Help James meet known, reputable, and kind individuals. 

What do I want in very simple & concise terms?

  1. To help James and his team enable their token on the IC.
  2. Help James find the right developers with the know-how I do not have, nor will I pretend to have.
  3. To use my voting rewards as donations for things like/of this magnitude (taxable would be pweetyyy sweet)
  4. To have more cross-chain collaborations
  5. To make the “pipe dream”, a reality.
  6. Start a(another) small collaboration between SOL and the IC
  7. Help the starting process of being able to “know” you’re donating to real individuals and (or) real situations. (proof of personhood?)
  8. I’d like to live in, “Utopia”, where someone in another place, another time(zone), on another day may need the monetary value attached to the ICP tokens to idk live, eat, buy toilet paper lol and in “Utopia”, they can use the IC to have a donor helps them on the spot no questions asked. Without donors being taken for a ride…
  9. Promote healthy sanitary habits that exclude pooping in each other’s beds & (or) taking a piss in each other’s baths, or on each other’s corn flakes for that matter.

@wpb , @lastmjs , @kpeacock, @skilesare @Lorimer @dominicwilliams (this was being silly tbh)

I appreciate your energy and enthusiasm. Thanks for tagging me with these big names. I suspect these are all busy people. I for one would appreciate a short summary of what you’re asking (some actionable points that are easy to consume). :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I hoped you in particular might provide some well-needed feedback on my writing/format. You have excellent skills. I’ll try to “tidy it up”, and see if you think its more digestible…

Edit: any suggestions, feedback, or flat-out rephrasing words, parts, or sections?.. the whole thing? lol would be appreciated if you have the time. I want to help this individual to the best of my (and the communities) ability if possible,

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