Hello there!
We are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 135931.
Here is a summary of the changes since the last release:
Release Notes for release-2025-03-20_03-11-base (4833f30d3b5afd84a385dfb146581580285d8a7e)
This release is based on changes since release-2025-03-14_03-10-base (f6f5e0927d14886e4bd67f776ee889f31cec2364).
Please note that some commits may be excluded from this release if they’re not relevant, or not modifying the GuestOS image. Additionally, descriptions of some changes might have been slightly modified to fit the release notes format.
To see a full list of commits added since last release, compare the revisions on GitHub.
Consensus,Execution,Interface(MR): Roll out best-effort calls to all application subnets (#4408)51b1dfde0
Consensus,Interface: Add VetKD to orchestrator public key monitoring (#4388)3a3cf5537
Execution,Interface: Add signal handler duration metric (#4186)05ffe4577
Execution,Interface,Message Routing(MR): Track cycles lost when dropping messages (#4331)2fe8aefaf
Interface(node-reward): Add registry sync to node reward canister (#4349)
Consensus,Interface: Remove flakiness from the bitcoin adapter integration test (#4375)35cb4bc5a
Execution,Interface: Fix same round install code and draining queues (#4346)
Consensus,Interface: Remove custom ExhaustiveSet implementation for AlgorithmId (#4392)1e5e864a9
Interface,Node(node): Increase HostOS upgrade download timeout (#4422)fa37ed573
Owners(crypto): Bump ic_bls12_381 (#4367)
Consensus,Interface: Wrap derivation_path and VetKD input context fields in Arc<_> (#4361)bd2d7d1fa
Interface,Message Routing: Downgrade panic to debug_assert in Payload::take_prefix (#4383)ec7834c47
Interface,Message Routing: Downgrade panic to debug_assert in Payload::take_prefix, part 2 (#4384)
Full list of changes (including the ones that are not relevant to GuestOS) can be found on GitHub.
IC-OS Verification
To build and verify the IC-OS disk image, run:
# From https://github.com/dfinity/ic#verifying-releases
sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dfinity/ic/4833f30d3b5afd84a385dfb146581580285d8a7e/ci/tools/repro-check.sh && chmod +x repro-check.sh && ./repro-check.sh -c 4833f30d3b5afd84a385dfb146581580285d8a7e --guestos
The two SHA256 sums printed above from a) the downloaded CDN image and b) the locally built image, must be identical, and must match the SHA256 from the payload of the NNS proposal.
While not required for this NNS proposal, as we are only electing a new GuestOS version here, you have the option to verify the build reproducibility of the HostOS by passing --hostos
to the script above instead of --guestos
, or the SetupOS by passing --setupos