Proposal to elect new release rc--2024-04-10_23-01

Hello there!

We are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 129081.

Here is a summary of the changes since the last release:

Release Notes for release-2024-04-10_23-01-base (19dbb5cc6e3dc85c0ccd899b3182552612f1607d)

Changelog since git revision ff10ea1dba07c0f66c66536a46a97146cf260e90


  • 3d3d12d84 Crypto: Add support for Ed25519 points in IDKG
  • be4b75156 Execution,Message Routing: Encode message kind, context and class in MessageId
  • 3573aec10 Execution,Runtime: Reject signature requests for disabled keys without creating a context
  • 637e3eea1 Message Routing: Enable message deadlines in the certified state
  • deccc1699 Runtime,Message Routing: Use sharded overlays as base files


  • 8ea6bc3b0 Consensus: Fix bugs in QueryStats PayloadBuilder and StateMachine
  • bbf67921b Consensus: Create new RandomState for every round
  • cc657ff8f Message Routing: allow for downgrading state received via state sync
  • 651ee2257 Networking(http_endpoint): enable tcp nodelay
  • e8360ca9d Networking: use the Shutdown class instead of JoinHandle in the state sync manager
  • 42abd2d12 Node: Extend setupOS IPv6 connectivity check timeout


  • a97f7960c Consensus(schnorr): Add optional MasterPublicKeyId to EcdsaReshareRequest
  • b97f85edb Consensus: log the height of invalid consensus artifact
  • 402197fb0 Execution: Propagate wasm_memory_limit through the execution layer
  • 633395484 Execution,Runtime: Drop queue cycles accounting in scheduler
  • 03f725d45 Message Routing: Remove the logic for the responses_only flag in StreamFlags
  • 03ce25a54 Message Routing: Remove the clippy exceptions due to MockAll ()
  • 03be63494 Networking: make use of reqwest in the outcalls adapter
  • 418c8156b Networking(http_endpoint): disable body limit when creating router
  • d7c814824 Networking: bump h2
  • f52fc87cd Runtime: Rename update_available_memory to try_grow_wasm_memory


  • 1852c819b Execution,Runtime: Consolidate canister_logging feature flags
  • ad38cbcf5 Interface: Add ErrorCode to protobuf files
  • ec4fa80af Node: Refactor setupOS get_network_settings()
  • 296b9e603 Runtime,Execution: Check feature flag inside CanisterLog method


  • 171564f82 Consensus(orchestrator): add a golden test for the generated firewall config
  • 0a0d74c2d Crypto: add tests for vault threshold BIP340 Schnorr
  • 8cb9a79c2 Message Routing: Add a guard against changes in ErrorCode.
  • d8d35a59f Networking: completely deflake the state sync manager tests

Other changes:

  • 46278ee4d Consensus,Execution,Message Routing: Set optional ConsensusResponse fields to None
  • fb36cc28d Crypto,Execution,Interface: Correct links to interface specification
  • 478571dfc Execution,Runtime,Financial Integrations: make time in StateMachine tests strictly monotone
  • bdef6e0e4 Financial Integrations,Boundary Nodes,Networking,T&V,IDX: Don’t use the deprecated ReqwestHttpReplicaV2Transport and upgrade more crates to the newer reqwest version
  • 34efba83f Node: Use tzst and dflate over GNU tar
  • d77b133f2 Node: Enumerate IC-OS image dependencies
  • a8d50ed47 Node: Updating container base images refs [2024-04-10-0704]
  • 5a2640c05 Node: Create a tool for deterministic and fast tar (dflate)
  • e7081e1a9 Node: Updating container base images refs [2024-04-04-0858]

IC-OS Verification

To build and verify the IC-OS disk image, run:

# From
sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLO && chmod +x && ./ -c 19dbb5cc6e3dc85c0ccd899b3182552612f1607d

The two SHA256 sums printed above from a) the downloaded CDN image and b) the locally built image, must be identical, and must match the SHA256 from the payload of the NNS proposal.


Hello there!

We are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 129084.

Here is a summary of the changes since the last release:

Release Notes for release-2024-04-10_23-01-query-stats (02dcaf3ccdfe46bd959d683d43c5513d37a1420d)

Changelog since git revision 19dbb5cc6e3dc85c0ccd899b3182552612f1607d

Other changes:

  • 75ddd7593 Node,Execution,Runtime,Consensus,IDX,T&V: Activate QueryStats

IC-OS Verification

To build and verify the IC-OS disk image, run:

# From
sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLO && chmod +x && ./ -c 02dcaf3ccdfe46bd959d683d43c5513d37a1420d

The two SHA256 sums printed above from a) the downloaded CDN image and b) the locally built image, must be identical, and must match the SHA256 from the payload of the NNS proposal.


This weeks release contains a feature build that activates the QueryStats feature. This activates the collection and aggregation of statistics of queries which are exposed via the Canisters Status API.

As the feature implements a new payload builder and state machine in the replicated state, we want to roll it out gradually.

For a reminder what QueryStats is, see the GlobalRnD Demo.


Reviewers for the CodeGov project have completed our review of these replica updates.

Proposal ID: 129081
Full report on OpenChat

Proposal ID: 129084
Full report on OpenChat

At the time of this comment on the forum there are still 2 days left in the voting period, which means there is still plenty of time for others to review the proposal and vote independently.

We had several very good reviews of the Release Notes on these proposals by @Zane, @cyberowl, @ZackDS, @massimoalbarello, @ilbert, @Gekctek, and @hpeebles. The IC-OS Verification was also performed by @jwiegley and @tiago89. I recommend folks talk a look and see the excellent work that was performed on these reviews by the entire CodeGov team. Feel free to comment here or in the thread of each respective proposal in our community on OpenChat if you have any questions or suggestions about these reviews.


Hello there!

We are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 129408.

Here is a summary of the changes since the last release:

Release Notes for release-2024-04-10_23-01-hotfix-bitcoin (33dd2ef2184a64c00e64ff0412e7378d46507005)

Changelog since git revision 02dcaf3ccdfe46bd959d683d43c5513d37a1420d

Other changes:

  • b9babdd16 Execution,Runtime: move checking heap delta invariant after processing messages in the consensus queue

IC-OS Verification

To build and verify the IC-OS disk image, run:

# From
sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLO && chmod +x && ./ -c 33dd2ef2184a64c00e64ff0412e7378d46507005

The two SHA256 sums printed above from a) the downloaded CDN image and b) the locally built image, must be identical, and must match the SHA256 from the payload of the NNS proposal.


Why wasn’t this added to the latest release ? And also there is this proposal to Update subnet tdb26 to replica version 19dbb5c that just went live not that long ago, shouldn’t have waited for the hot-fix version ? Thank you.

1 Like

This hotfix is targeting subnet w4rem which was running release-2024-04-10_23-01-base version so this is why we applied the hotfix to this version.
Here the link to the incident.
The NNS update has not yet been voted on, and the incident does not involve or affect the NNS subnet.


Thanks for the answer, I saw the Halt subnet w4rem issue but no idea what the 5 cannisters on it do, and with the btc hotfix in mind jumped to conclusion that tdb26 would be an update target. Thanks again

1 Like

Hello there!

We are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 129423.

Here is a summary of the changes since the last release:

Release Notes for release-2024-04-10_23-01-hotfix-bitcoin-query-stats (4e9b02fc3c0fa377b2fba44b15841d6ef73593a3)

Changelog since git revision 02dcaf3ccdfe46bd959d683d43c5513d37a1420d


  • 46bd20f08 Execution,Runtime: [hotfix] move checking heap delta invariant after processing messages in the consensus queue

IC-OS Verification

To build and verify the IC-OS disk image, run:

# From
sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLO && chmod +x && ./ -c 4e9b02fc3c0fa377b2fba44b15841d6ef73593a3

The two SHA256 sums printed above from a) the downloaded CDN image and b) the locally built image, must be identical, and must match the SHA256 from the payload of the NNS proposal.