Proposal: Change Service Worker loading page

I get your point. Still think the “Built on the IC” badge can be shown in the app directly. I am just afraid this loading will look weird to some people new to the ecosystem, but maybe it is only my feeling. Let’s see how it goes :slight_smile:

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I ask my self if a neutral white or dark grey (depending of os setting) background color would not fit better the use case than the grey-violet-gradient or any other opinionated color :thinking:.

Would a transition from empty tab background color → grey+violet → e.g. yellow or dark blue (dapp background) be perceived as more flashy or destruptive than empty tab bg color → white → yellow or dark blue?

Just thinking out at loud, I for sure welcome the screen being restyled and this can be tested.

I also notice the above designs use custom fonts. I would be careful about this - i.e. the sw should not become slower because it has to download a font. Same btw. for the resources or animations.


I’m glad the opinion was helpful!

Are you going to make a proposal in the NNS? @infu @NathanosDev

Thx !!

When I think of whether we should have branding or not, I like to compare it to Cloudflare. When a site is using Cloudflare’s DDOS protection, a visitor of the website will see a Cloudflare branded web page that says something along the lines of “Checking your browser before navigating to”. If this does not scare people away from using those sites, then I don’t think that seeing an Internet Computer logo would scare people away, as long as we are careful with the phrasing etc, as has been pointed out by earlier comments on this thread.

Thanks for your comment regarding accessibility @kpeacock, this should definitely be improved!

@peterparker I see your point about the background colour, but I think no matter what colour we use, we will inevitably create some disruptive combinations of colour since we cannot predict what background colour a dapp will use and I don’t think there’s any colour that will not clash with any other colour. With that said though, the possibility of allowing dapps to brand the service worker has been discussed before. I don’t think it will be prioritized soon, but I believe this would be a much better way of solving that particular problem.

Regarding the font, I agree. “Internet Computer” itself is a path embedded into the SVG so that’s fine, but any other text on the page should use system fonts.


Usually, when you put links around social networks, ads, etc intended for new users you use a lot of URL query params to figure out later where they came from and how well your campaign goes.
Something like:
Social networks display it without the params like this:
But when you click, you are going to the full link.
Which link gets quickly trimmed by a script that changes browser history so users don’t need to see it.

We can add a parameter that the service worker can read quickly from the URL to determine its theme.
Something like ?ic_theme=light (following the naming convention above)
This way IC can provide a few options at no cost

I really support this change!

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I would keep the text describing what is loading. I think the overall concept of a spinner is clear, but stating exactly what’s loading can help with adoption from not so technically inclined users. Less is more but in this case a simple text is adding value, IMO.