We are running upgrades to introduce virtual memory manager to all of our individual user canisters. The canister memory usage is going up quite steadily.
What we were trying to achieve
We are moving some of the data on our canister to stable memory using stable-structures
. As a first upgrade step we introduced virtual memory manager to perform upgrades as later it would help us to deal with stable memory along side heap memory.
Prior to the upgrade hooks were using BufferedStableReader
and BufferedStableWriter
as shown in the code snippet below
pub const BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: usize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2 MiB
fn pre_upgrade() {
CANISTER_DATA.with(|canister_data_ref_cell| {
let canister_data = canister_data_ref_cell.take();
.expect("Failed to serialize canister data");
pub fn serialize_to_stable_memory<S: Serialize>(
state: S,
buffer_size: usize,
) -> Result<(), impl Error> {
let writer = BufferedStableWriter::new(buffer_size);
serialize(state, writer)
fn post_upgrade {
match stable_memory_serializer_deserializer::deserialize_from_stable_memory::<CanisterData>(
) {
Ok(canister_data) => {
CANISTER_DATA.with(|canister_data_ref_cell| {
*canister_data_ref_cell.borrow_mut() = canister_data;
Err(e) => {
panic!("Error: {:?}", e);
pub fn deserialize_from_stable_memory<S: DeserializeOwned>(
max_buffer_size: usize,
) -> Result<S, impl Error> {
let stable_size = ic_cdk::api::stable::stable_size() as usize * WASM_PAGE_SIZE_IN_BYTES;
let buffer_size = min(max_buffer_size, stable_size);
let reader = BufferedStableReader::new(buffer_size);
After the upgrade we introduced memory manager as shown in the code snippet below:
use ic_stable_structures::{DefaultMemoryImpl, memory_manager::{MemoryId, VirtualMemory, MemoryManager}};
use std::cell::RefCell;
// A memory for upgrades, where data from the heap can be serialized/deserialized.
const UPGRADES: MemoryId = MemoryId::new(0);
pub type Memory = VirtualMemory<DefaultMemoryImpl>;
thread_local! {
// The memory manager is used for simulating multiple memories. Given a `MemoryId` it can
// return a memory that can be used by stable structures.
static MEMORY_MANAGER: RefCell<MemoryManager<DefaultMemoryImpl>> =
pub fn get_upgrades_memory() -> Memory {
MEMORY_MANAGER.with(|m| m.borrow_mut().get(UPGRADES))
The new upgrade hooks were changed to use these virtual memory manager as shown below in the code snippet:
// pre_upgrade
fn pre_upgrade() {
let mut state_bytes = vec![];
CANISTER_DATA.with(|canister_data_ref_cell| {
ser::into_writer(&*canister_data_ref_cell.borrow(), &mut state_bytes)
.expect("failed to encode state");
let len = state_bytes.len() as u32;
let mut memory = memory::get_upgrades_memory();
let mut writer = Writer::new(&mut memory, 0);
fn post_upgrade() {
let heap_data = memory::get_upgrades_memory();
let mut heap_data_len_bytes = [0; 4];, &mut heap_data_len_bytes);
let heap_data_len = u32::from_le_bytes(heap_data_len_bytes) as usize;
let mut canister_data_bytes = vec![0; heap_data_len];, &mut canister_data_bytes);
let canister_data = de::from_reader(&*canister_data_bytes).expect("Failed to deserialize heap data");
CANISTER_DATA.with(|canister_data_ref_cell| {
*canister_data_ref_cell.borrow_mut() = canister_data;
These upgrades were carried out in a two stage format, updating the pre_upgrade hook and then updating the post_upgrade hook.
Respective Github PRs
- PR for stage1: migrate individual template data stage 1 by ravibazz · Pull Request #198 · go-bazzinga/hot-or-not-backend-canister · GitHub
- PR for stage2: Migrate individual template data stage 2 by ravibazz · Pull Request #199 · go-bazzinga/hot-or-not-backend-canister · GitHub
Help needed
- Our assumption for the problem is virtual memory manager is not using stable memory that was previously used by BufferedStableReader/Writer to write heap data to stable memory during upgrades which is causing duplication of data during upgrades. Is this assumption correct?
- How do we move ahead with our goal of introducing stable memory for some of our data in our canister and using virtual memory manager to deal with heap memory along with stable memory?
We would like to use stable-structures
for using the StableBTreeMap
implementation alongside others for storing most of our data but some frequently accessed data would still live on the heap which is where VirtualmemoryManager
comes in.
Is there a way for us to free up the allocated data on the subnet post the migration? Also, we would appreciate some confirmation that validates our migration strategy? Are we doing something wrong?