I’m using pocket-ic ( v 4.0.0 ) to test a cron job I have. It runs every hour and when it does i check if the timestamp i create falls within a 2 hour window using the time
pub fn timestamp_millis() -> u64 {
timestamp_nanos() / 1_000_000
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn timestamp_nanos() -> u64 {
unsafe { ic0::time() as u64 }
// specifies a range that the reward interval can occur. e.g on a certain weekday and between a start hour and end hour
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone)]
pub struct RewardDistributionInterval {
/// weekday - e.g Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday = 2, Thursday = 3, Friday = 4, Saturday = 5, Sunday = 6
weekday: String,
/// 24 hour clock - 0 = 00, 14 = 14:00
start_hour: u8,
/// 24 hour clock - 0 = 00, 14 = 14:00
end_hour: u8,
impl Default for RewardDistributionInterval {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
weekday: "Wednesday".to_string(),
start_hour: 14, // 2pm
end_hour: 16, // 4pm
impl DistributionInterval {
pub fn is_within_interval(&self, timestamp_millis: TimestampMillis) -> bool {
let timestamp_secs = timestamp_millis / 1000; // Convert milliseconds to seconds
// Create a DateTime equivalent using time crate
let timestamp = match time::OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp(timestamp_secs as i64) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
return false;
} // Invalid timestamp
// Convert weekday index to time crate's Weekday enum
let weekday = match Weekday::from_str(&self.weekday) {
Ok(w) => w,
Err(e) => {
debug!("Invalid Weekday set for distribution reward interval");
return false;
} // Invalid weekday index
// Check if the given timestamp is on the specified weekday
if timestamp.weekday() == weekday {
// Check if the given timestamp is within the specified hour range
let hour = timestamp.hour();
if hour >= self.start_hour && hour < self.end_hour {
return true;
the unit tests for this all seem to work correctly.
fn test_reward_distribution_interval() {
let distribution_interval = RewardDistributionInterval {
weekday: "Wednesday".to_string(),
start_hour: 14,
end_hour: 16,
}; // wednesday between 14:00 and 16:00
let time_now = 1718809200855; // UTC - wednesday Jun 19, 2024, 3:00:00 PM
assert_eq!(distribution_interval.is_within_interval(time_now), true);
let time_now = 1718805600855; // UTC - wednesday Jun 19, 2024, 14:00:00 PM
assert_eq!(distribution_interval.is_within_interval(time_now), true);
let time_now = 1718812799855; // UTC - wednesday Jun 19, 2024, 15:59:59 PM
assert_eq!(distribution_interval.is_within_interval(time_now), true);
let time_now = 1718812800855; // UTC - wednesday Jun 19, 2024, 16:00:00 PM
assert_eq!(distribution_interval.is_within_interval(time_now), false);
let time_now = 1718805599855; // UTC - wednesday Jun 19, 2024, 13:59:59 PM
assert_eq!(distribution_interval.is_within_interval(time_now), false);
let time_now = 1718722800855; // UTC - Tuesday Jun 18, 2024, 15:00:00 PM
assert_eq!(distribution_interval.is_within_interval(time_now), false);
in my integration test I make sure to set the time and advance time like so
pic.set_time(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + std::time::Duration::from_secs(1718814600));
/// ....
test_env.pic.advance_time(Duration::from_millis(DAY_IN_MS * 1));
tick_n_blocks(&test_env.pic, 100);
test_env.pic.advance_time(Duration::from_millis(DAY_IN_MS * 6));
tick_n_blocks(&test_env.pic, 100);
test_env.pic.advance_time(Duration::from_secs(180 * 60));
tick_n_blocks(&test_env.pic, 100);
println!("time is {:?}", test_env.pic.get_time());
the time i see in the println log does match what I expect. however my function is_within_interval always returns false. Any suggestions on what this might be?
i do notice that in my pocket-ic logs, it doesn’t seem to increase with what i would expect since I have advanced time by 7 days since June 21 I expect to see June 28th.
Jun 21 09:33:24.171 WARN s:/n:/ic_messaging/stream_builder No route to canister rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai
Jun 21 09:33:24.187 WARN s:/n:/ic_messaging/stream_builder No route to canister rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai