I’m using pocket-ic for integration testing of my Rust canister and ran into the following problem.
I want to install canister code and directly after upgrade the canister code. So basically I’m doing the following
let pic = PocketIc:new()
let can_id = pic.create_canister();
pic.add_cycles(can_id, 2_000_000_000_000);
let wasm = load_wasm(); // fetches my wasm
pic.install_canister(can_id, wasm.clone(), encode_one(()).unwrap(), None)
// works until here
pic.upgrade_canister(can_id, wasm, encode_one(()).unwrap(), None)
// fails here
The pic.upgrade_canister(...)
step fails with the error
Err(UserError(UserError { code: CanisterInstallCodeRateLimited, description: "Canister lxzze-o7777-77777-aaaaa-cai is rate limited because it executed too many instructions in the previous install_code messages. Please retry installation after several minutes." }))
How can I fix this? Is this the correct approach to install a canister and upgrade it directly afterwards?
@dsharifi @mraszyk @berestovskyy (tagging you as I saw you committed to the pocket-ic repo)