Below is a link to a post made by DFINITY where they pitched this idea to the community as a means for a Soft Reset. It’s not a bad idea, but there was some good discussion about it in that thread. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend reading the entire thread. It offers a lot of context on how we arrived at this current proposal including talking through an idea very similar to your suggestion.
I noticed the other day that DFINITY is now triggering 35% of total voting power in the NNS when they vote on the Governance proposal topic. They own and directly control 19.7%, but over 15% is now choosing to follow the DFINITY neuron. This time last year only about 7-8% was following DFINITY and within the last 2 years only about 2% was following DFINITY on the Governance and SNS topics. Hence, over time significantly more of the NNS neurons are following DFINITY again. This is happening in spite of the fact that the Governance and SNS topics have a proposal weight of 20x and DFINITY does not vote on a significant fraction of Governance and SNS proposals, which means those followers are losing rewards. It’s natural for people to trust and want to follow the developer team on a project, but I think most people would argue that it has a negative impact on decentralization. Regardless, it is the natural tendency.