I am trying to perform a write function to a smart contract deployed on sepolia. But whenever I call the write function I am getting this error:
(variant {Err="Failed to send transaction: "Transaction failed: HttpOutcallError(InvalidHttpJsonRpcResponse { status: 500, body: \"{\\\"jsonrpc\\\":\\\"2.0\\\",\\\"id\\\":280397,\\\"error\\\":{\\\"code\\\":-32603,\\\"message\\\":\\\"Internal server error\\\"}}\", parsingError: None })""})
Here is my function:
async fn call_increase_count() -> Result<String, String> {
let abi = get_abi();
let canister_address = get_canister_eth_address().await;
let nonce = get_nonce(&canister_address).await?;
ic_cdk::println!("Canister address: {}", canister_address);
ic_cdk::println!("Nonce: {:?}", nonce);
let result = call_smart_contract(
Some(U64::from(11155111)), // Sepolia chain ID
Some(U256::from(500000)), // Further increased gas limit
Some(U256::from(3_000_000_000u64)), // Further increased max priority fee
Some(U256::from(40_000_000_000u64)), // Further increased max fee
This is my get nonce function:
async fn get_nonce(address: &str) -> Result<U256, String> {
let rpc_services = RpcServices::EthSepolia(Some(vec![EthSepoliaService::Alchemy]));
let config = None;
let cycles = 10_000_000_000;
let params = GetTransactionCountArgs {
address: address.to_string(),
block: BlockTag::Latest,
match EvmRpcCanister::eth_get_transaction_count(rpc_services, config, params, cycles).await {
Ok((result,)) => match result {
MultiGetTransactionCountResult::Consistent(count_result) => match count_result {
GetTransactionCountResult::Ok(count) => Ok(U256::from(count)),
GetTransactionCountResult::Err(err) => Err(format!("RPC error: {:?}", err)),
MultiGetTransactionCountResult::Inconsistent(_) => Err("Inconsistent RPC results".to_string()),
Err(e) => Err(format!("Failed to get nonce: {:?}", e)),
Where might I be going wrong?