Opinion Poll: IC WebSocket support in Azle

Hello Azle developers.

We at Demergent Labs are closing in on our release candidate in preparation for the 1.0 release of Azle.

We’d like to apply a bit of a DOGE mindset to this release, cutting out unnecessary features.

Our question is this: do you want IC WebSocket as part of Azle’s 1.0 release? IC WebSocket support would allow for Azle canisters to have real-time WebSocket communications with web frontend and possibly other WebSocket clients/servers.

You can learn more about IC WebSocket here.

Please respond letting us know your appetite for this feature, it will help us to prioritize.

  • Yes I want this ASAP
  • No it can wait until after 1.0 (~6-12 month wait)
0 voters

I personally believe that it would not be a strict requirement for a 1.0. It is definitely a nice feature, but I would not bundle it with the the first stable version of azle.