NodeJS scripts timeout

"@dfinity/agent": "^0.15.3",
    "@dfinity/candid": "^0.15.3",
    "@dfinity/identity": "^0.15.3",
    "@dfinity/identity-secp256k1": "^0.15.3",
    "@dfinity/principal": "^0.15.3",
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Aaaaah agent-js version! Gotcha, thanks for the feedback. Same for me.
I have now forwarded all error messages of the thread to the team.


So after some testing here, we have been able to be recreate the intermittent connection with node18 + dfinity v0.15.3

but, node16 with @dfinity v0.14.1 works fine and is stable … We only started to experience any of the time outs when we updated to 0.15.3 of @dinfity npm and node18 … and can basically reproduce this over and over … hope it helps …

UPDATE: We just debugged this issue with @raymondk as it turned out I was finally able to replicate it consistently today (Saturday, funday :wink:) . While it isn’t clear why yet, we figured out the issue was linked with few particular machines when accessed through IPv6. We will continue to investigate but, we are on good track.

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Hi folks - an update here.
We were able to track this down to a firewall rule blocking public ipv6 traffic to 2 of the boundary node VMs.
It was fine when you were using the VPN but if you happened to have ipv6 at home and resolve DNS to to one of those boundary nodes you would see a timeout.

Thanks everyone for reporting the issue and special thanks to @peterparker for helping debug :wink:


I can confirm that its working on my end