NNS Updates: Feb 02, 2024

The NNS Team will be submitting the following upgrade proposals today, 2024-02-02. DFINITY plans to vote on these proposals the following Monday.

Additional Notes

A message field has been added to NNS Governance’s MakeProposalResponse. Currently, it informs the user that their proposal has been created successfully. In the future, this field will be populated with any information that is relevant to the proposer. Frontends that allow users to create NNS proposals should display it, but not depend on it having any particular structure other than being markdown-formatted text.

Proposals to be Submitted


## Proposal to Upgrade the Governance Canister

### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation

### Git Hash: e488bf2fb40274200772f59567cd051660ae7974

### New Wasm Hash: 659f062deba5a679dac73d7094086b7734425416447a4fa0d894b409a4480beb

### Target canister: rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai


## Features

A `message` field has been added to NNS Governance's MakeProposalResponse. Currently, it informs the user that their proposal has been created successfully. In the future, this field will be populated with any information that is relevant to the proposer. Frontends that allow users to create NNS proposals should display it, but not depend on it having any particular structure other than being markdown-formatted text.

## Release Notes


$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" e7c7105a54fdf43892c46b5560d5dbee687dcba0..e488bf2fb40274200772f59567cd051660ae7974 -- ./rs/nns/governance

4b4dd9496c Add "message" field to the NNS's MakeProposalResponse

b35734c0f2 feat(NNS): Make NNS proposal action `OpenSnsTokenSwap` obsolete

7053d1a94b Merge branch 'add-proposal-topic-to-governance-metrics' into 'master'

952404b508 (OBS-459) Add label proposal_topic to governance_proposal_deadline_timestamp_seconds metric

4655525248 feat(nns): Mark outflow neurons from 29/30 as seed/ect

3564e052ef Merge branch 'arshavir/improve-sns-lifecycle-integration-tests-3' into 'master'

cf5b1146f8 test(SNS): Port ticket-based payment flow to SNS lifecycle integration tests

155d35577e refactor(nns): Move test-only code for reuse in other governance unit tests


## Wasm Verification

Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.


git fetch

git checkout e488bf2fb40274200772f59567cd051660ae7974

./gitlab-ci/container/build-ic.sh -c

sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/governance-canister.wasm.gz


## Current Version

- Current Git Hash: e7c7105a54fdf43892c46b5560d5dbee687dcba0

- Current Wasm Hash: 5299690cf472b8a4c435ec8e3f2e3b502c5392a28fd2e581d1a99d10208b2e04


Dear @Andre-Popovitch,

I take advantage of your announcement to ask this : Do you plan to add a feature to allow any staker to create proposals directly from the NNS frontend (I mean by a staker simply connecting to NNS with their Internet Identity) ?

I know that some tools provided by third parties already exist, but I am wondering if it is not a necessity to eventually integrate this directly within the frontend in order to reach the ideal of a Dao : allow everyone to propose something, even without any skill in coding/developing, etc. But I am not sure yet.

Marketingly, at least, it could : people would think, “I will be able to do things that I can’t do in my own country : directly cast proposals. So I want to stake some ICP”

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@Roman Thank you for your question. It is something we would love to add but as far as I know it is not currently prioritized.

It’s not nearly as nice as NNS dapp integration would be, but ic-admin is officially supported, and for users familiar with the command line, can be straightforwardly used to submit proposals. (Although I think it doesn’t yet support some of the newest SNS proposals.)


Thanks a lot for your answer :pray:

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