NNS Update: August 11, 2023

The NNS Team will be submitting the following upgrade proposal today.

This Release

Fix OpenSnsTokenSwap uniqueness enforcement and re-enable this proposal type in NNS governance. These were previously temporary disabled to prevent the possibility that multiple proposals of this type can be opened simultaneously.

Additionally, this release contains a (potentially breaking) change in the NNS Governance metrics.

Proposal to be Submitted

## Proposal to Upgrade the Governance Canister
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Git Hash: 4271bc91af7d78704ccbdfd04928eeb6093ffdf0
### New Wasm Hash: aa2ba5663c438ffaf7733235d7e46d773686d8e0ebebae1c08fefd3eeb25c4f0
### Target canister: rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai
## Features
- Fix OpenSnsTokenSwap proposal uniqueness enforcement.
- Re-enable OpenSnsTokenSwap proposals.
- Breaking changes in NNS Governance metrics: 
  1. Increased resolution of dissolve delay (from 1 year to 6 months) for all bucketed metrics.
  2. Use non-cumulative buckets to avoid confusion for Prometheus clients.
  3. Add neuron maturity-related metrics.

## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" 726b1529fd34a47fcf0627a72301d62a282c788d..4271bc91af7d78704ccbdfd04928eeb6093ffdf0 --  ./rs/nns/governance
 ee8e7b2fee Merge branch 'daniel.wong/re-enable-open-sns-token-swap-proposals' into 'master'
 c4a4bf95ba feat: NNS1-2477: Re-enable OpenSnsTokenSwap proposals.
 6648d98143 Merge branch 'arshavir/NNS1-1793-3' into 'master'
 4fca267f4b feat(NNS1-1793): Add neuron maturity-related metrics to NNS governance
 49e1fea309 chore(TOB-DFSNSR-5): The NNS governance canister should not warn about zero missing neurons
 fdaf1a020d Merge branch 'add-buf-format' into 'master'
 703eb96fea feat(bazel): add protobuf formatting
 606d8836fe fix: NNS1-2464: Fix open sns token swap proposal uniqueness enforcement.
 f6e0c6f0d7 feat: NNS1-2377 Migrate more neuron access to new pattern

## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout 4271bc91af7d78704ccbdfd04928eeb6093ffdf0
./gitlab-ci/container/build-ic.sh -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/governance-canister.wasm.gz
## Current Version
- Current Git Hash: 726b1529fd34a47fcf0627a72301d62a282c788d
- Current Wasm Hash: b6c08e9d3cc74b2f28243db1be52dfde22334de20a3bcce6311b5546b8bb1507

The proposal has been submitted and can be viewed on the dashboard: Proposal: 124022 - ICP Dashboard