New Node Provider Proposals

Hi all,

As discussed in our node provider Matrix channel, I am currently working to relocate an existing node machine (ego73-sreyv-vpdjs-gxxxh-jormr-swyro-toj4x-obghz-sbk32-duwid-dae) from datacenter ny2 to fm1. Please note that both DCs reside in the same geography (US) and this will not alter the target topology. I am not adding any additional nodes.

To facilitate this change, I have submitted the linked proposal to increase my provider allowance by one to allow the node to be onboarded after it’s been physically moved. Once onboarded in the new location, I will be submitting additional proposals to adjust the reward configuration to reflect the correct circumstances and remove the old record from the registry.

Update 6/15/2024:

I was finally able to get the node machine relocated, however, an error in the above proposal ended up decreasing the node allowance and therefore is preventing onboarding the relocated node. I have submitted another proposal to correct this error. As a reminder, this is just a move and will not alter the topology or node count of the Network.



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