New feature: Known Neurons

Known Neurons

We have recently added a new feature we call “Known Neurons” to allow users to name their neurons, so they can be easily recognized. There is also the possibility of adding a short description with further information about the group behind the neuron or a link to a page representing the owner.

Where can I see current Known Neurons

Known Nneurons are already visible in the nns dapp when clicking edit followers in a neuron’s detail page.

A list of Known Neurons is also accesible by dfx command:

dfx canister --network ic call rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai list_known_neurons

How can I name a neuron?

To name a Neuron you need to send a proposal of the type register known neuron:

dfx canister --no-wallet --network ic call rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai manage_neuron "( record { id = opt record { id = $NEURON_ID: nat64}; command = opt variant { MakeProposal = record { title = \"proposal title\"; url = \"url\"; summary = \"proposal summary\"; action = opt variant {RegisterKnownNeuron = record {id = opt record { id = $NEURON_ID: nat64}; known_neuron_data = opt record {name = \"<name>\"}}}}}})"

Where NEURON_ID is the id of the neuron we want to register as Known Neuron, and is to be substituted with the intended name. If we also want to add a description:

dfx canister --no-wallet --network ic call rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai manage_neuron "( record { id = opt record { id = $NEURON_ID: nat64}; command = opt variant { MakeProposal = record { title = \"proposal title\"; url = \"url\"; summary = \"proposal summary\"; action = opt variant {RegisterKnownNeuron = record {id = opt record { id = $NEURON_ID: nat64}; known_neuron_data = opt record {name = \"<name>\"; description = \"<description>\"}}}}}})"

It would be great if these names were used in the “Following” section of a neuron.


I am surprised to not see Dfinity Foundation and ICA neurons listed among the known neurons.

I’m guessing they are a special case and they must be implemented differently, but if possible they should be added . Someone building on top of the governance canister would expect to query the complete list when calling this method.


This is surprising to me too tbh. I know @Severin pinged NNS team. I will lend my support to this