My local internet-identity can't run normal

i start a internet-identity server for my dev test in a cloud server.
Does the machine also need to have a security hardware?

because when i login into my self internet-identity server. it always says that doesn’t support my device. i try it on my iphon12 mini with latest safari(it can work fine in the official website it also have same issue.

This is odd. The dev server certainly needs no special hardware.

Are you trying to register, or loggin in as an existing user?

$ dfx canister call internet_identity register '(123, "test", vec {1; 2; 3}, null)'
Invalid data: Unable to serialize Candid values: type mismatch: 123 can not be of type record {
  alias : text;
  pubkey : DeviceKey;
  key_type : KeyType;
  purpose : Purpose;
  credential_id : opt CredentialId;

i run this command. and it have this err

You are using wrong syntax; you have to use record syntax, e.g. (record {alias = "test"; … }).

but the fronted website is always didn’t work