`__motoko_async_helper` error :-~

    public composite query func isAllInitialized(): async () {
        let a = getIndirectCaller().b44c4a9beec74e1c8a7acbe46256f92f_isInitialized();
        let b = getSimpleIndirect().b44c4a9beec74e1c8a7acbe46256f92f_isInitialized();
        let c = do {
            let ?pkg = installedPackages.get(installationId) else {
                Debug.trap("package manager is not yet installed");
            let ?frontend = pkg.modules.get("frontend") else {
                Debug.trap("programming error");
            let f: Asset.AssetCanister = actor(Principal.toText(frontend));
            f.get({key = "/index.html"; accept_encodings = ["gzip"]});
        ignore {{a0 = await a; b0 = await b; c0 = await c}}; // run in parallel

Error from Canister hiser-juaaa-aaaaa-qaawa-cai: Canister has no query method '__motoko_async_helper'..\nCheck that the method being called is exported by the target canister. See documentation: http://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/references/execution-errors#method-not-found

What is it?!

One my guess is that the frontend canister is written in Rust and therefore has no __motoko_async_helper. Is this guess right? How to work around of this?

I’ve create a minimal example and reported the bug: