Motion Request for Neuron Indexing

This forum topic has been open for a week and, per the original post, I plan to move it forward as a motion proposal. I appreciate all the feedback and discussion! Below is the intended language of the motion proposal.

Motion Proposal for NNS Neuron ID Indexing

---- SUMMARY ---------


This motion proposal is to request Dfinity to prioritize creating an index or list of all neuron ID values, accessible through the Candid Interface.


A newly created neuron is given a random neuron id that can be up to 17-digits long (up to 10 quadrillion). Currently, there is no list of neuron IDs that have been created. The result of this is that it is impractical for any person or entity to know of all neurons created on the NNS, significantly hampering transparency into the NNS.

Why this is important

Transparency into the NNS is vital for understanding governance and investor behavior. It is important to know: how many ICP are staked in the NNS and what the staking behavior is in order for governance participants and investors to make informed decisions. A failure to provide transparency could lead to mistrust of the NNS and dissuade potential investments into the Internet Computer.

Community conversation

This topic was discussed in the forum at: Motion Request for Neuron Indexing

The conversation focused on the perceived benefits of:

  • Increased transparency into the NNS, including full awareness of how many ICP are staked, dissolve delay and age bonuses, recent voting behavior of all neurons.
  • Increased trust in the NNS through transparency of voting power.
  • Reduction in asymmetric information of the NNS.

The perceived risks of this change, per the forum dissccion are:

  • Reduction in privacy for neuron holders
  • Does not follow capability-based access

Discussion Lead

Kyle Langham; Twitter: @kylelangham, Forum: Kyle_Langham