Motion: Create a Feature to Submit Proposals directly from NNS Front-end dapp

Not asking you to use Twitter. I use distrikt as well. Its the chicken and the egg problem everywhere on-chain. Point being twitter provides a medium to share about ic to onboard web2 peeps.


my opinion is that the Medium is the message. In this case then the medium would be twitter and the message would be use twitter to discuss the IC which is ironic. I want the medium to be hosted on-chain so the message is “stay on-chain”

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Completely agree, this should be a top priority at DFINITY and for anyone invested in the Internet Computer who wants to move forwards towards decentralization.

That’s exactly why I suggested building a forum within NNS dapps. In fact, this entire forum could be built within NNS. Gmail or github login leveraging NFID with a specific disclaimer could be implemented to onboard “beginners”, however not recommended to let them create neuron with this.

Forum is public so wouldn’t need authentication to read. If its too much for nns subnet, use other subnets for forum, secured with random providers across the globe. NNS could add dfinity members or anyone else as moderators to keep spam posts away.


Would you entertain the idea of creating an in depth proposal for the foundation and developers to read and begin considering? This might help facilitate the macro level change we want


I will begin drafting a proposal but please don’t expect it to be fancy.

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I don’t think we can do proposals asking dfinity to build entire software projects. You’re talking about an entire team of people.

I think we would be better off crowd funding a forum out of @aiv ‘s project than trying to disrupt dfinity’s road map.


I know for a fact that it would only take DFINITY like 4-10 man hours to implement proposals through the NNS dapp for Motion and Known Neuron proposal types. Considering the small amount of work, I see no reason why they couldn’t quickly add this along with the next batch of NNS updates.


Naa I’m talking about all the other features. Forum and stuff

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I’ve been waiting for a year for manage neuron to be put back and it was originally there. It is two characters that need to be added(a number and a comma in an array). I don’t think the amount of work required has anything to do with actual time to implementation (other than being the floor for possible implementation).


Lol, we could make a bounty to fork the NNS app and add these features.


I thinks dscvr is adding ability to vote maybe they can add ability to create proposals too.

1 Like and openchat already have bots for this.

There is a dscvr portal with NNS slug already DSCVR, just no one uses it.

if anyone wants to be an admin, ping me.

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Nice idea @CatPirate! Do you think it has to be the NNS dapp? It could also be a separate canister that allows you to do this. I believe that via hotkey access to neurons, a canister could submit proposals on behalf of your neurons staked in the NNS dapp.


This is much needed, especially the feature to discuss proposals directly via the NNS.

Dont wanna burden NNS subnet, but at the same time want to see forum within NNS dapp front end, one can directly create proposal and people could discuss on the submitted proposal as well.

Goal is to onboard users via public forum - with simple guides n tutorials within NNS front-end. There are many possibilities with this. For starters we can just let users submit proposals via NNS( let neuron holders comment if possible on the proposal).

Maybe leverage open chat’s existing architecture and blend it with current forum’s UI. Once it gets there we can enable tipping feature for incentivizing


This would be ideal. We really need to get the NNS autonomous and by consequence as complete as possible : the governance must start and end into the NNS. A call to a forum relying on the WEB 2 is unreadable for newcomers. This would bring consistency to the ICP’s goal : be the foundation of the web. From this perspective, relying on a forum outside of the NNS and based on the web 2 is inconsistent or at least can be perceived as inconsistent : eventually, it implies that ICP is based on the Web 2. At least marketingly and ideologically, it is problematic. We need to gather the whole governance (votes and debates) there.

As soon as we have to explain to newcomers : « the pre proposals and the debates are elsewhere », we lose something.

If you have time, why don’t you create this feature? Would be very cool to see an outside contribution to the NNS Dapp and I’m confident we would get funding for the 10 man hours to compensate you.


I would love to, except I’d need to learn Rust first. I made the NNS Proposal Dapp in Motoko, but the official NNS dapp is in Rust (and way more complex).

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Oh I thought this only needs work on the frontend

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