Ledger canister transfer() parsing Nat64 error

Hi there, Im on localhost making a transfer call to the ledger canister, and im receiving this error. Been fighting it left and right, but cant seem to figure out the fix.

Error :

Console log :

Function :

Your types don’t really match with what the ledger expects. From the ledger candid file:

type TransferArg = record {
  to : Account;
  fee : opt nat;
  memo : opt blob;
  from_subaccount : opt blob;
  created_at_time : opt nat64;
  amount : nat;

At first glance you are sending the memo as nat64 instead of blob, created_at_time as opt record {...} instead of opt nat64, from_subaccount is the right type (blob) but is a full account identifier instead of a subaccount, to is a blob instead of Account…