🚨 LAST DAY to apply for the Tungsten Demo Day!

Hey everybody! :space_invader:

We can’t wait to showcase what you’ve been building at our :boom: Demo Day :boom:

Friendly reminder that the last day to apply for our Demo Day is Friday, September 4th at 11:59 PM (PT).

Teams will present a five-minute demo and participate in a two-minute speed Q&A round from the judges, including Dominic Williams (Founder and Chief Scientist), Artia Moghbel (COO), Stanley Jones (Engineering Lead), and Alexa Smith (Developer Partner Program Manager).

Here’s how you can apply:

  • If you have access to the Tungsten Developer Network…apply here

  • If you do NOT have access to the Tungsten Developer Network…apply here.

For all accepted projects, this is a chance to get valuable feedback and exposure to your project from the DFINITY team and the Tungsten developer ecosystem!

The winning team will receive:

  • :muscle: Your choice of a legal, design, or engineering service provided by the DFINITY network to help accelerate your project.
  • :speaking_head: A 1:1 pitch-coaching session with our Beacon Fund .
  • :mega: A product feature during the upcoming Sodium launch event on Sept. 30, which will be streamed to an audience of thousands.

Looking to seeing what you’re building on the Internet Computer!!! :partying_face: