Known Neuron Proposal - Lorimer

Hi, my name’s Alex Lorimer, full-stack Software Developer, and member of CodeGov and Synapse. As such I’m committed to voting on IC OS Version Election proposals, as well as Governance and SNS & Neurons’ Fund proposals. Subnet Management is another topic that I’ve become interested in reviewing.

I reject proposals that that I consider to be inaccurate, misleading, and/or not in the best interests of the Internet Computer and the community that it serves. I always aim to leave evidence of my due diligence in the form of comments and questions on the DFINITY forum. On all other topics I wait for the outcome of a proposal to be decided before following the prevailing vote (to avoid any chance of influencing the outcome when I haven’t personally performed due diligence).

I’m planning to submit a known neuron proposal in the next week or so to offer others a neuron to follow who share my voting principles. Please let me know if you’d like me to clarify anything. Thank you :pray:

Neuron ID: 16459595263909468577


Thank you to those who have shown their support. The proposal is now live → Proposal 131739 NNS Dapp / ICP Dashboard

Please vote, and/or let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to clarify :slight_smile:


Last time I approved a proposal this early I was voting on periodical followee reset.


This one is easy. Adopt! :+1:t2:

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Thanks both, and all who have voted so far!

Hilarious and ironic that I’ve actually misspelt ‘dilligent’ in my known neuron description. That’s what I get for editing the proposal late last night before submitting :joy: Never mind :grin:


In all the excitement this weekend, I forgot to link to my successfully executed LORIMER known neuron! :tada: :partying_face: :balloon: Neuron: LORIMER - ICP Dashboard (