We are running into a Candid compatibility error when we use “dfx install”. The issue does not occur when we run “dfx deploy”.
- Run the following command to upgrade the canister:
dfx canister install --network=ic --wasm .dfx/local/canisters/auth_dev/auth_dev.wasm.gz --mode upgrade '--argument=(record { modclub_canister_id = xxxxxxxx; })' auth_dev
- Noticed the following warning message and prompt:
Upgrading code for canister auth_dev, with canister ID xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
An error occurred during Candid interface compatibility check for canister 'auth_dev'.
Checking generated did file.
Do you want to proceed? yes/No
This prompt will never disappear even if we have selected "yes" in a previous run. This causes issues for us as it fails our CI pipeline.
More details with the candid files can be seen here:
We are on dfx 0.20.1