Hello ICP community!
I am pleased to announce that we are reaching the end of our developer grant for the Isotopic project, and I am more than happy to share our project with the community.
Introducing Isotopic Game Store
Isotopic is the first Decentralized and Cross-Platform Game Store, where games become own-able assets that can be traded, resold, or otherwise repurposed. This works by tokenizing the game’s license as an NFT that can be minted, unlocking a new economy not possible with traditional alternatives.
The platform, already live at store.isotopic.io, features almost 200 live games across web, desktop, mobile, and VR devices.
Game Developers benefit from tokenized games by gaining full control of their game’s distribution, with the capability of editing the smart contract to add more functionality, set fees, limit supplies, etc.
ICP Integration
While tokenized licenses decentralize ownership of digital copies of games, the solution is still fairly centralized, as the user had to depend on the Isotopic cloud server to deliver the build’s files for games that are published to the platform.
With this new development, we have created a solution that allows game builds to be uploaded to the Internet Computer instead of our centralized servers, which brings game distribution a step closer to full decentralization.
How it Works
We have created an ICP Canister that lets us upload and store the build files for our game developers. When a developer uploads a game to our website, we act as a “delegator”, first downloading the build to our server, and then uploading the chunks to the ICP network.
The canister maps upload IDs for each game to a platform and allows clients to retrieve information about them.
Then, when a user goes to download a game, we retrieve the list of uploads for it, and send the upload of the platform requested.
The canister’s code is open-source under an MIT License, and can be found at the project’s github: GitHub - IsotopicIO/icp-store
Future Plans - Roadmap
Taking storage of the game builds on-chain is just a small step of this project and its integration with the ICP network. The main future ideas and plans include:
- Taking the store frontend and rest of backend functionality on-chain.
- DAO for managing the store by the game creators.
Effectively, we want to create a fork of the current Isotopic Game Store that runs fully on-chain, become the world’s first Fully Decentralized, Open-Source, and Cross-Platform Game Store