I want to make a request from my application to another application via an unsafe API (ic0.raw.app), but I get an error. Is this the target behavior?
It seems that the Service worker did not resolve a canister ID from another domain URL.
Steps to reproduce:
Go to https://***.ic0.app
make fetch('https://***.raw.ic0.app/index.html')
Got error URL "https://***.raw.ic0.app/" did not resolve to a canister ID.
After debugging I found, that service worker unable to resolve canisterId when page hostname does not match requesting URL. Difference is between *.ic0.app and *.raw.ic0.app.
It’s blocker for me because I want to check certificated assets from raw resource before the load a resource in IFrame. And this is the last way to solve my problem after Why can’t IFrame be used with certificated URLs?
Also, there is no way to register custom service worker on https://***.ic0.app, because any request to main domain is accompanied by bootstrap-page loading instead of a custom worker JS-source.
Will us be able to register out custom service workers in future?
I’m surprised: When accessing *.raw.ic0.app, no service worker should be involved. The point of raw is that it hits the HTTP Gateway on the boundary node and no certificate checking happen, so no reason to have a service worker involved.
As far as I can see the audio works and it’s great!
If you want to use audio elements without .raw, try to certify uploaded files in the same way as certified-assets or cert-var. I haven’t tried it, but it should work.
Thank you for your feedback!
I thought I responded to this, I fixed it up unregistering the service worker, I think it was out of date. Service workers often seem to have a problem staying up to date
this happens because the audiofile is splited into chunks. When service-worker fetching chunk and trying to validate it, worker compares file hash from field sha256 with chunk hash. And of course they don’t match. When file was not chunkified, service-worker loads file at once and hashes match.
We’re a couple sprints in, and I’ve still been focused on the invoice canister. I’d still like to demonstrate chunking via agent-js, but that won’t resolve the basic issue of the serviceworker needing streaming support
I have a similar question, not about streaming
Is it correct to use merkletree hashing algorithm while uploading chunks into certified_assets and make support of this on service-worker?
At now, not chunkified files works correctly (fetch(...), <img src...>) in the browser, but downloading chunkified files raises 500 validation error.
To fix this, I want to try:
calculate and save merklethee of chunks to sha256 field of certified_assets (by yourself)
[Service-worker improvement] make equal(sha, treeSha)-function to validate merkletree (because treeSha is a hash of chunk and merkletree is usually used for validating chunk hashes)
Ideally, this will allow to using chunkified assets at least in simple fetch or <img src=...> cases.
I created a PR with my proposal about streaming support.
I will be grateful for the review.
Unfortunately, this proposal does not solve @lastmjs problem with continuous streaming, but it allows you to download assets larger than 2mb through service-worker