Introducing NX Governance

About NX Governance

NX Governance is a multi-chain governance framework built on the Internet Computer. Our framework is designed with a focus on modularity, transparency, versatility, and security, ensuring every administrative action is auditable and executed via democratic consensus.

:star2: Key Features

  • Proposal-Centric: Every action revolves around proposals, ensuring transparency and accountability. This includes canister installs and upgrades, as well as privileged actions such as admin-only functions.
  • Audit Trail: Comprehensive, auditable log of all proposals, voting outcomes, and execution results.
  • Modular Design: Integrate custom voting and validation canisters to suit diverse governance needs, without needing to upgrade the main governance canister.
  • Efficient Voting: While the governance canister maintains only the final results, the detailed voting log is maintained by the voting canister. Complex voting schemes are possible such as staked tokens or NFT/SBT gated voting, crosschain voting, etc.
  • Versatile Execution: Execution of any payload, including multiple canister calls with data validation and call chaining.
  • Flexible Validation: Proposal types and validations are managed by a separate validation canister, allowing for custom logic.

:zap: Proposal Workflow

  1. A proposer submits a proposal.
  2. A validator canister validates the proposal, according to the nature of its payload.
  3. A validator sets up parameters such as voting period, quorum, and threshold accordingly.
  4. Once validated, the proposal goes into the voting period, during which vote managers can submit votes,
    revokers can revoke the proposal entirely, and force executors can execute the proposal without waiting for voting results.
  5. Once the voting period is over, the proposal is either passed or rejected, depending on the vote results.
  6. If the proposal is passed, it goes into the execution phase, during which executors can execute the proposal.

:scroll: Open Source License

NX Governance is licensed under GNU AGPLv3.

:mailbox: Contact & Support

For any queries, suggestions, or feedback, please reach out to us at or open an issue on GitHub.

Thank you for exploring NX Governance. We’re committed to providing a transparent, modular, and efficient governance framework for the decentralized world. Feedback and contributions are always welcome!


Very cool project
What is the current state of this project. Is it in a usable state?
Do you see this as a generic DAO for any project?
Any current timelines?


This looks like a super interesting project!

Could you already manage to upgrade canisters or commit new assets to an assets canister via proposals at this stage?

It’s in a usable state. We’ve tested creating proposals, multisig voting, calling admin-only functions of another canister, and upgrading another canister. The system is designed in a modular way so that you can use other forms of voting, for example based on token ownership or NFT ownership.

We haven’t tested managing asset canisters though, where can I find documentation on how the asset canister works?

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