Introducing Nitro : A Decentralized File Storage Solution

Hello IC Community :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: ,

We are thrilled to introduce Nitro, our new decentralized file storage DApp. Nitro ensures secure, accessible, and user-controlled data management, leveraging the power of blockchain technology.

Today, we are releasing the alpha version for you to try.

About the Project

Initially, we aimed to create an easy way to store assets on-chain (images) for our Audionaut dapp. However, during development, we realized this solution could benefit many others as well.

Key Features:

  • Scalability: We use CanDB, a preferred Motoko database solution that creates service canisters on the fly once the current one is filled. For those interested in CanDB, check out the documentation.
  • Simplicity: Our goal is to make file uploads easy and provide a shareable link. Users can also download or delete their files. Currently, you can upload any type of file and share it for download, but we only support displaying images, audio, video, and txt files in the dapp.
  • Easy Login: We’ve implemented a simple login system using Web3Auth, allowing users to log in with Google, Twitter, Discord, Apple, and other social credentials and make authenticated calls to our canisters. Since we’re not cryptography experts, we welcome feedback from Dfinity experts on the security of Web3Auth.
  • Folder Uploads: Nitro supports uploading folders with files. Last week, we successfully tested uploading a folder with 300 images. The front and backend handled it well, though there are backend optimizations we plan to implement.


Since we are bootstrapping this project, we have implemented a data storage limit. We are actively seeking solutions to increase this limit soon.


  • Add support for more file extensions in the Nitro DApp.
  • We are partnering with Inscrib3, a Bitcoin development team. Their goal is to store entire NFT collections on-chain by uploading folders containing thousands of images to Nitro. In the coming weeks, we will begin optimizing the folder upload process to support this feature.
  • Complete testing and release our mobile app for iPhone and Android.
  • Finalize and release our Chrome extension.


Special acknowledgment to @aletex Alessandro Tezza for spending an immense amount of time developing most of Nitro’s frontend. Thanks to @icme for assistance with CanDB questions and to @bob11 for helping with Web3Auth settings. A big thank you as well to the Inscrib3 team for spreading the word with marketing content and managing the Discord channel.


We would love your feedback. Feel free to drop your comments on this thread or hop to our discord channel.



Congratulations on the launch! :tada:

Just signed in and uploaded a screenshot; it worked smoothly!

Given that you seem to use the UI kit of the NNS dapp (:star_struck::+1:) and mentioned that you would also be open to feedback about the authentication with Web3Auth, I was wondering, is your platform open source?


Awesome Work!

1 Like

Thanks @peterparker,

I love the work you guys have done with Gix components, which is why I opted to use them.

Let me know if anyone from Dfinity is interested in taking a look at Web3Auth. I would be happy to share any knowledge.

Lastly, to be honest, I haven’t thought about open-sourcing the project, but I will consider it. :blush:



anyone know what happened to the rabbithole ?

It has been months and no news, they are also a storage solution that looked promising

Nice effort on the project!


It looks awesome!
I am also developing a similar S3 file storage service called ic-oss in Rust. It’s not a Dapp but a free, open-source, powerful file storage infrastructure service. With it, ICP ecosystem projects won’t need to develop their own file storage features.


Thank you @therealbryanho :grin: