Depending on the size of your Wasm module, the Motoko compiler won’t be able to process it if it’s an array. See:
So you must convert your wasm module to hexadecimal first (there are a many options online and some Unix tools to do that offline) and convert the result to be compatible with Motoko’s Text, like:
let wasmModule: Blob = "\de\ad\be\ef";
Then it’s simple to install the module:
let id = await IC.create_canister({
settings = ?{
controllers = ?[Principal.fromActor(this)];
compute_allocation = null;
memory_allocation = null;
freezing_threshold = null;
await IC.install_code({
mode = #install;
canister_id = id.canister_id;
wasm_module = wasmModule;
arg = to_candid({
//your canister's arguments, ex: foo = 1234;