Increased Canister Smart Contract Memory

Would it be possible to release this document to the community so we can get a better understanding of the vision ?


Streaming serialisation of stable variables is now released in moc, please watch the dfx releases (and release notes) about when it will be fully launched. But you can definitely gather experience with it by dropping-in moc into a (sufficiently recent) dfx install.

Update: dfx 0.10.1-beta.1 seems to have it.
Update: dfx 0.10.1 is installable, but not promoted yet
Update: it is now the default! :slight_smile:

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Now, Canister has 8GB stable memory and some low-level system api to use them, such as stable64_xxxx().

The typical way to use stable memory today is to serialize the state in the wasm heap into bytes before upgrading, and then overwrite it into stable memory. After the upgrade, restore to the wasm heap state from stable memory. And because the state in the wasm heap is often serialized as a whole, developers can only use 2GB in the wasm heap even in Rust, (the other 2GB is used to temporarily store serialized copies), and can only use 2GB to stable memory. And I doubt that a 2GB copy can be done within one block time (1s). Moreover, I actually encountered a situation where the canister on the mainnet could not be upgraded, but could be reinstalled, and it was difficult to find the problem.

As far as I know, here some canisters or tools trying to use more stable memory:

  1. The Internet Identity. the user anchors’ data is the only state which needs to be persisted, and will grow dynamicly. By determining the maximum space that each user anchor can occupy, it can be determined that the data of the newly added user anchor should be stored in the offset position of the stable memory.

  2. StableBTreeMap in Canisters, I tried to use it, but it’s a bit tricky to use when the situation gets complicated.

  3. Ic-stable-memory rust library, Good idea, but need to reimplement common data structures such as HashMap, Vec and more.

I think the perfect way to use stable memory is similar to using wasm heap. Wasm heap is also a stack-based linear memory space. We don’t need to consider these low-level interfaces when we use it. Why do we need to implement a memory allocator and memory manager when we use stable memory? This way we can directly use the lots of libraries in std. I’m looking forward to Dfinity’s official implementation of such a tool.

And, when I re-read the whole post, I found that wasm has the concept of multiple memories and stable vars, I think they are what I want, to be able to use stable memory like wasm heap. Unfortunately, it seems that neither of these features will make it into production anytime soon.

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Increasing Stable Memory to 32 GiB

As part of this effort to give canisters more memory we’re proposing to increase the size of stable memory to 32 GiB in an upcoming release. In addition to benefiting all canister developers, this expansion is a critical part of the Bitcoin integration work.

How to use it

You won’t need to make any changes in how you call the 64-bit stable memory APIs. Calls to stable64_grow will now let you increase stable memory up to 32 GiB. Note that the stable64_size and stable64_grow functions work with Wasm pages which are 64 KiB, so this corresponds to 524,288 Wasm pages.


Due to technical limitations of the current implementation, writes to stable memory will be limited to 8 GiB per message. This means that existing canisters will not see any breakage and all canisters will still be able to copy the entire Wasm heap to stable memory in pre-upgrade hooks. But canisters which want to take advantage of the full 32GiB should consider a design where most persistent data is used directly from stable memory. Libraries like ic_stable_structures and ic-stable-memory can help with this.


Are there plans to move the Motoko Stable Memory library out of its experimental status?


I asked the Motoko team and they said there are no immediate plans.

Does anyone know if asset canisters already use stable memory? If so, I assume asset canisters will automatically be able to store up to 32gb once this goes live?

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No, asset canisters don’t use stable memory currently.

@senior.joinu might be working on one if I remember correctly.


stable64_grow will now let you increase stable memory up to 32 GiB

Please consider adding an API to retrieve an amount of free memory left in a subnet. 32GiBs is the soft limit, but if your subnet runs out of physical space earlier, your canister can still end up with only some megabytes of available storage.

Something like stable64_pages_left() -> u64 should do the trick.

Horizontal scaling is the only way to build truly autonomous software, but now this approach is blocked because of missing API.

I know this may be not the right place for this proposal, but anyway.


Yea, ic-stable-memory is in the middle of a huge update one of which is a stable collection for data certification. You can read more about this collection that I want to implement here.

Once this new collection is implemented it will be possible to implement such a stable memory based asset canister - everything we need in order to compose it will be available as a library.


Can you say more precisely how you’d want to use such an API? I think it sounds reasonable, but we also already have the memory allocation which you can be used to ensure your canister doesn’t run out of memory.

For example, you could start with a memory allocation of 1GB and increase it by 500MB each time your canister’s free memory becomes less than 500MB. If the subnet gets low on memory you’ll notice it because the call to increase the memory allocation will fail. This way you’ll still have some memory you can use when you notice that the subnet is running out, whereas with the stable64_pages_left API you might see 32GB available on one call, and then have it immediately go to 0 on the next call.

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The actual reasoning is the whole story, so here it goes.

This is all because of ic-stable-memory. In this library there is a stable memory allocator and a bunch of custom collections, like Vec or BTreeMap, which store data completely in stable memory.

The goal is to somehow have both:

  1. transactional execution - if there is not enough stable memory to complete message execution (we want to allocate two memory blocks during the call, we allocated one, but there is no memory for another), the state of the canister should reset to what it was at the beginning of this execution;
  2. horizontal scaling opportunity - when your canister is close to being out of memory, you should somehow be able to react to this situation and run some code (for example, when your canister sees, that there is only 10MBs left in the subnet, it may want to spin up a copy of itself on another subnet).

It turns out, that you can have any one of these easily, but not both. Transactional execution can be achieved by simply trapping when there is no more memory. Horizontal scaling can also be performed at the same exact moment. But you can’t both trap and run some code afterwards.

Initially I was thinking like: Ok, I'll just grow() stable memory on-demand and make all collections' methods transaction-like, so they would manually restore the state back to how it was before the failure. And also all methods would return an Error in that case, so developers could just react to that error and do something in order to automatically scale their app.
But, unfortunately, this solution only works for some simple use-cases and very much makes your code unreadable.
For example, it won’t work for BTreeMap, because it basically means, that you have (for each insert operation) allocate additional logN + 1 of nodes in advance (in order to see if there is enough memory) and if there is, you should somehow pass these newly allocated nodes inside your insertion code (which is very much recursive) in order to fill them with correct values and attach them to the tree. It is both complex and slow.
User code also becomes a mess, since you have to react to every Error returned by every collection, in order to reset all the previous operations you did during this transaction (and yes, everyone would have to manually do that).

Then I was thinking: Yea, this idea is bad, but what about if I will grow() some amount of stable memory in advance, to always keep it above some level and if I can't, I will execute some user-specified canister method like "on_low_stable_memory()"? I won't do any transaction-specific stuff inside collections - just trap and the state is safe.
This solution sounds good and pretty simple to implement (and I assume, this is what you propose), but it doesn’t work in practice.
For it to work in practice we have to make sure, that the level of grown stable memory that we keep is always bigger or equal than our maximum possible allocation during a single call. For example, if our canister has a single method that allocates exactly 1MB each time it is called, than we only need to make sure, that we have 1MB of stable memory in advance. In this scenario, after each such call we will allocate 1MB of grown stable memory and then grow() 1MB more. If we can’t grow() more - we just call on_low_stable_memory() hook and everything is good.

But real collections do not work like that. For example, let’s imagine a canister that stores a history of transactions (a ledger) in a vector. Vectors work in such a way, so when they reach their maximum capacity they try to allocate twice as much of memory to continue growing.
For example, we had a vector that had capacity of 10 elements; once we inserted the 11th element, this vector will reallocate into a new memory block that can now hold 20 elements.
This means, that in order for such a vector to work properly in our “grow-in-advance” setup, we always have to grow twice the size of this vector in advance. This means, that if our transaction history occupies 2GBs of stable memory, than we have to have 4GBs more of grown in advance memory (which is, by the way, completely unused, until you can’t grow more).

Ofc, you can imagine special collections that won’t reallocate that way and will work maybe a little slower, but only consuming a small portions of new memory in order to continue growing (and that is what I initially was going towards). But the main question stays the same: how much stable memory exactly do you have to allocate in advance in order to keep it cheap (to not pay much for unused storage) and fail-proof?

I’m building this library for almost half a year now (reinventing for myself all the uni’s CS program), and I don’t know how to answer this question.

So, my final though (and this is what I propose here) - let's completely decouple both these processes. Let's make transactions trap, when they reach memory limit and let's give a user some way of understanding, how likely it is for their canister to fail.
This concept of on_low_stable_memory() taught me one more interesting thing: If your canister can’t grow now, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be able to grow after a couple of minutes!. Memory is very flexible on IC. Some canisters decrease the total amount of available memory in a subnet, but some - increase (when destroyed).

So, providing a user with some kind of on_low_stable_memory() system hook is actually a bad idea, because you won’t be able to answer the question: “if the subnet again has enough memory to allocate (after some canisters died), should this hook be called once again, when there is no more memory again?”. Everyone would have a different answer to it.

So it is better to just not do that, but instead give everyone a tool to track the available memory and to react how they like. For example, if we had a stable64_pages_left() method, we could use heartbeat in order to achieve the same result as with on_low_stable_memory(), but with less effort and more freedom.

This is it.

P.S. Actually, as far as I understand, all of these points are also valid for common heap memory. You can easily run out of heap without even reaching 4GB’s, because of how the system works. Maybe, there should also be a method for that? Or maybe stable64_pages_left() will automatically resolve this issue also, because when serialized the heap and stable memory are the same kind of memory, so it doesn’t matter and if stable64_pages_left() shows 0, then you’re probably won’t be able to store more data on the heap also.

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This makes sense to me, but I’m not sure how much the proposed API would help with it because the returned value would only be reliable for the current execution. Taking your example, if a user calls stable64_pages_left during a heartbeat and it returns 32 GB, it’s still possible that a small stable64_grow call would fail on the very next message if some other canister took up the rest of the subnet’s memory in between the calls.

If a canister needs a reliable way of determining how much memory they have left then it would make more sense to reserve a memory allocation and check how the current memory usage compares to that allocation.

Yea, and that’s fine. That means that the next time this canister’s heartbeat will be invoked, stable64_pages_left() will return something close to 0 and the code can react to that by spawning a new canister and maybe by offloading new requests there.

This is exactly what I want. The state stays correct and the dapp can keep scaling.

Do you mean a flow like this?

  1. Inside your heartbeat function check, whether the canister has at least 500MBs of free memory.
  2. If it doesn’t, try to grow additional pages.
  3. If you can’t grow, execute some other code to scale.

Okay, now I get it. Yes, this is indeed the same, with an exception of you being forced to always pay for 500MBs more than you use. But, I believe that even 10MB will do the job for most cases.

In any ways, and API like stable64_pages_left() is more suitable for this kind of tasks. Especially if it can hint an amount of heap memory left also for those who don’t use stable memory.

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The bump to 32 GiB stable memory is was approved in Proposal 86279:

  • Runtime: Increase stable memory to 32GB

and will be rolled out this week. So you can try it out as soon as your canister’s subnet has been updated to replica version cbf9a3bb. As a reminder, you can follow the proposals to update subnets on the dashboard.


Hi everybody!

We’ve done more testing with canisters with a lot of stable memory and have seen that we can actually increase the limit even further, so since release Proposal: 92573 - IC Dashboard canisters can now hold 48GiB of stable memory. Hope you will build cool canisters with lots of memory!


If I create a canister does it automatically book 48Gb of memory or is it filling it up as it goes? I’m thinking of DDOS cases against user-canister dApps. Sending a fleet of bots that create a canister with 48Gb of memory space?

No, not by default. You can reserve more space than you’re using with your canister’s settings (see dfx canister update-settings --help), but you’ll be charged for the reserved memory as if you were using it.


What’s the theoretical limit for a canister size?

–memory-allocation <MEMORY_ALLOCATION>
Specifies how much memory the canister is allowed to use in total. This should be a
value in the range [0…12 GiB]. A setting of 0 means the canister will have access to
memory on a “best-effort” basis: It will only be charged for the memory it uses, but
at any point in time may stop running if it tries to allocate more memory when there
isn’t space available on the subnet
This is what i can see, does that mean allocating 0, we can use canister memory beyond 4GB? or did i misunderstood something?